2023 Q4

We will wrap up 2023 with our Christmas meeting on December 12 with Preston Newton from The Title Law group presenting on the Ohio MTA. We will have our year end 50/50 raffle and vote to decide on which charity we will be presenting this year’s proceeds. For more information regarding CAPDOA, please visit our website at www.capdoa.org. ………………………………… DALWORTH ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (DALWORTH) Association serving the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Area

We had our Fall Seminar at Comstock Resources in Frisco, Texas on Thursday, November 2, 2023, with 50 members and guests attending. Our line-up was top-notch, and we had a surprise visit from San Diego, CA, from Quin Moore at KPMG. Andy Graham had come all the way in from Pittsburgh, PA. From Houston, TX, Stephen Newton, and Colby Tiffee. Then, our local board members Melanie Finnegan and this year’s DALWORTH President, Eli Murray rounded out the program.

Using Pivot Tables and Power Queries by Melanie Finnegan

Unclaimed Property: Audits & Developments by William King and Quin Moore

NPRI’s: The Fixed v. Floating Landscape After Van Dyke v. The Navigator Group by Stephen Newton

Oil & Gas Marketing, Commodity Markets Update, and Energy Transition Reality Check by Colby Tiffee

Ethical Obligations for Land Professionals: A Comparative Approach by Andrew Graham

Lease Provisions (and how they impact the DOA) by Eli Murray


N at i onal A ssociation of D i v i s i on O rder A nalys t s

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