ARUP - 10 Minute Towns - No Appendices

10 Minute Towns |Access i b i l i t y & Framework Repor t

5.1 Carlow Table 7 is a summary of the constraints and opportunities that were established in Carlow, following the baseline walk and cycling analysis. The map references for each item of constraint and opportunity can be found in Appendix D.

Table 7 - Carlow - Constraints and Opportunities

Map Reference



Lack of direct accessibility from residential estates to main roads.

Provision of a connection to North Relief Road to follow desire lines. This would provide quicker access to retail services north of the residential area (e.g. Dunnes).


Provision of a connection to Dublin Road from residential area which is currently fenced.


Provision of walking and cycling connection(s) from residential estates to Eire Og Road. Provision of connection(s) between residential streets along River Burrin Walk. Provision of a formal pedestrian crossing on Dublin Road for pedestrians to access the retail precinct south of the roundabout. Provision of formal pedestrian/cycle crossing on Hanover Street. This includes a formalised walk/cycle path through Hanover Park for pedestrian/cycle safety and amenity. Provision of formal crossings and signage to guide pedestrians to cross to the eastern side of College Street. Provision of walk/cycle connection between Green Lane and Carlow Station via Glendale Avenue.


Lack of accessibility from residential areas to River Burrin (north) Lack of formal pedestrian/ cycle crossings





Lack of direct accessibility NE and SW of Carlow Rail Station


Provision of walk/cycle bridge over the railway line between Glendale Avenue and St Joseph’s Road.


Provision of accessibility between St Joseph’s Road and Carlow College via north of Carlow Cricket Club. Provision of a walk/cycle path along River Burrin between Feltham Road and Monacurragh.


Lack of accessibility on Feltham Road and Monacurragh


Provision of a walk/cycle bridge to connect to the Green Recreational Route to the east of River Burrin.



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