10 Minute Towns |Access i b i l i t y & Framework Repor t
7.4 Common Trend in Constraints
Therefore, for future “10-Minute Town” concept analyses, the main challenges above may help at the early stage to establish supportive measures which can be undertaken to achieve change or improvements. Proactive initiatives by Local Authorities, transport stakeholders and communities to market a town’s improved walking, cycling and public transport facilities and initiatives that promote the benefits of 10-minute towns for place-making and a high- quality of life offer within a town could assist awareness and modal change.
Throughout the analysis, it was found that there is a common trend in constraints, which are as follows: Lack of direct walk/cycle access from residential estates to local and regional roads, thus limiting their connectivity between important education, employment, leisure, healthcare and retail services; • Severance between residential estates (e.g. cul-de-sacs and fences); • Low cycle usage from census data; • Bus services are generally limited (e.g. infrequent and does not cover parts of the towns) and tend to only cover specific corridors within the towns; • Poor infrastructure, particularly for cycling; and • Lack of services, particularly on the outskirts of the towns.
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