The Alleynian 708 2020







Fiona Angel

Eleanor Walters

W hen Janet arrived at the College in September 2000, it was not the place it is today, and over the last 20 years she has played a central role in broadening and enhancing the pastoral support network to which the boys – and others – have access. Janet had been an Art teacher before becoming a counsellor, and during her time at the College would often use art therapy as a means of engaging boys in conversation and easing them into therapeutic work. Over time, Janet worked hard to break down the barriers and stigma that have historically surrounded counselling; by the end of her employment, the phrase ‘I’m seeing Janet’ was one that boys and colleagues no longer felt any embarrassment in sharing. Nor should they have done: anyone who has been on the receiving end of Janet’s wise words knows the benefit of her plain-speaking, compassionate and gentle push to move forward and accept the challenges faced. In her support of the pupils, Janet has worked closely with the wider pastoral team, striking at every turn a perfect balance between sharing the right information and never

A nne joined the Learning Support Department in 2000 and has remained a consistently kind, encouraging and steady presence throughout many changes to the team over the last 20 years, not least during her time as Co-Head of Department. Over the course of a long career in a very varied range of settings, Anne has built up a wealth of experience and expertise in teaching pupils with specific learning difficulties. Her dedication to the wellbeing and achievement of every one of her pupils shines through: she can always be counted on to advocate for them, believe in them and encourage them to believe in themselves. Anne’s patient and individually tailored support has had a profoundly positive effect on many generations of Dulwich boys. On a personal level, I have very much appreciated Anne’s generosity in sharing her professional experience with me and her willingness to offer a listening ear or a word of advice whenever needed. Anne’s colleagues in the department have valued her positive and measured approach and her ability to take every day in her stride and keep others grounded.

breaching the trust that she has established with those who have sought her counsel. As well as drawing on Janet’s insights and impressions to support boys who have been encountering problems, colleagues have been able to develop professionally thanks to the occasions on which Janet has offered more formal instruction. The training sessions she has offered on topics such as ‘listening skills’ have, in turn, been deployed by form tutors and others to very good effect. Janet carried out her sometimes difficult work with a wicked sense of humour, kindness and integrity. She was immensely popular with boys and staff alike and was adept at building useful, trusting and supportive relationships with all that she worked with. Utterly devoted to the boys, and a colleague who truly put boys’ wellbeing at the heart of all she did, Janet will be greatly missed at the College for her wisdom and balance. We wish her a wonderful, well-deserved and enjoyable partial retirement.

Beyond her work in the Learning Support Department, Anne has accompanied many school trips and has been a dedicated supporter of the Community Action programme, supervising boys volunteering at local food banks. With her office located next door to Lisa Hillgrove’s, Anne has also been at the heart of the everyday hustle and bustle of Lower School life. She has often been found helping out with the queries of Year 7s and 8s about lost belongings, or marshalling a queue of boys eager for birthday doughnuts! We will miss Anne’s sharp wit, melodic Welsh tones, elegant outfits and top-notch coffee brewing skills. She has always made those around her feel valued and listened to, and we will miss her not only as a colleague, but also as a friend. The place will not be quite the same without her. We wish Anne all the very best for a long, happy and well-deserved retirement with Paul, her children and grandchildren, and we hope that she finds that dream home in Wales before too long!



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