Breckenridge: Hip, Knee and Leg Pain

Redeem this coupon at Breckenridge Physical Therapy for a free pain consultation with your physical therapist! FREE HIP, KNEE OR LEG PAIN CONSULTAT ION SPECIAL OFFER!

Does Arthritis Pain Grind You Down? Millions of Americans suffer from arthritis pain every day, taking Ibuprofen and stronger medications to numb the pain and address the ongoing inflammation. The definition of arthritis is joint inflammation, however the term has acquired a wider meaning. Arthritis is now used as a generic term for osteoarthritis and other conditions that affect joints. The pattern, severity and location of arthritis symptoms can vary depending on the specific form of the disease. Typically, arthritic conditions are characterized by pain and stiffness in and around one or more joints. The symptoms can develop gradually or suddenly. Certain rheumatic conditions can also involve the immune system and various internal organs of the body. Physical therapy is an important part of the ongoing treatment for arthritis. Physical therapy strengthens, stretches and stabilizes muscles surrounding affected joints providing needed support.

This offer expires December 31, 2018.

Relieving Joint Pain Exercising is important to help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Light to moderate-intensity physical activity can actually prevent a decline in function, even restoring health. However, some people with arthritis may be reluctant to exercise because of joint pain after activity. Youcan takevarioussteps torelievepain,suchasheatandcold therapy, or pain relievers, making it easier for you to exercise and stay active. In addition to physical therapy, choose non-impact exercises such as bicycling, swimming or water exercise. Furthermore, research shows that even modest weight loss combined with exercise is more effective in decreasing pain and restoring function than either weight loss or exercise alone. If you are suffering from arthritis pain, call us today and discover how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free lifestyle!

Staff Spotlight

CONNIE J. GIBSON, PRACTICE MANAGER Colorado has been my home since 2007. My family and grandchildren are local as well. I arrived in Colorado with the background of an Orthopedic Practice Manager, for two separate practices in Connecticut.I have been with Breckenridge Physical Therapy since 2008. My goal is to help patients of all ages, to be the best they can be, both physically and mentally. I am continually striving to help our patients navigate, understand and utilize their insurance of choice, successfully. My motivation is the the patient smiles I receive, as our patients continue to heal through Physical Therapy. We live in an exceptionally beautiful state and we all should be able to get outside and enjoy it! Kayaking on Lake Dillon and hiking our vast trails in Summit County, are my passions!

Call Breckenridge Physical Therapy at 970.485.3421 , or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today!

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