RM_JULY20, 2020

EPA Reaches Settlement With WM Of Wisconsin

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an- nounced a settlement with Waste Management of Wiscon- sin Inc. (WMWI) that will include enhanced monitoring for hazardous waste near the Metro Landfill in Franklin, Wis- consin, and a $232,000 fine to resolve alleged violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Metro Landfill WMWI, a subsidiary of Houston-basedWaste Management Inc., owns and operates the Metro Recycling and Disposal Facility.The Metro Landfill is licensed by the state ofWiscon- sin to accept non-hazardous municipal, commercial, indus- trial and special wastes for disposal, but is not authorized to treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste. EPA alleged that WMWI improperly disposed of hazardous electric arc fur- nace dust from a steel casting foundry at the Metro Landfill on at least 10 days.The dust was contaminated with chro- mium, a hazardous waste and known human carcinogen. Monitoring The Situation Under the terms of the settlement,WMWI has agreed to conduct leachate and groundwater monitoring, and update its waste management plan and training program. The set- tlement also includes a civil penalty of $232,000. The proposed settlement is subject to a 30-day public comment period and final court approval.

National Fiber Supply Company

303 W. Madison St. Suite 1650 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Phone: 312-346-4800 Fax: 312-726-0371 7LHJO[YLL*P[`.LVYNPH 7OVUL! -H_! >PJOP[H2HUZHZ 7OVUL! -H_! *PUJPUUH[P6OPV 7OVUL!  -H_! 

2 July 20, 2020 Recycling Markets


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