Fine Art Collector | Autumn 2018

MODERNISM (1890-1940)


A departure from historical revivals, and an increasingly restrained approach to decorations, led to the emergence of modern art. European modernism, known as international style, resulted in the Bauhaus movement in Germany. The mission of the Bauhaus school was to unify art and handicraft, creating a building that would be a ‘total work of art’ and blur the boundaries of painting, sculpture and architecture. De Stijl, a Dutch artistic movement, echoed the idea that art should be practical and embrace all aspects of life.

In reaction to the ostentatiousness of the baroque style, neoclassicism

turned its focus to classical forms inspired by antiquity.

Romanticism, realism, naturalism and impressionism followed, but their visual language was limited to painting rather than architecture or decoration. During this time, industrial revolution changed printing techniques, making art more accessible for people wishing to spruce up their houses.

‘The Red and Blue Chair’ designed by

Gerrit Rietveld in 1917. It represented the ideals of the De Stijl art movement.

The abundance of art styles and mediums allows us to find a perfect piece for any room.


Fantastic news! Art is now more accessible than ever, so we have free rein when it comes to decorating our home. This year saw the emergence of trends including honest line drawings, inspiring female imagery and monochromatic photographs. Recent developments include the release of The Frame: a Samsung television which transforms into your chosen artwork when not in use, proving that art in homes is a trend that will never switch off. Pop into one of our galleries or browse our online collection today to create your own slice of art history.

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