Low Interest Emergency Relief Loans And No Payments For 12 Months Receive up to $150,000 at only 3.75% — for 30 years.
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity and qualify, please visit http://bit.ly/ERLoan to Get Started!
Simple and Fast Receive a decision within 2–10 business days and capital up to $150,000 in 5–10 business days later.
Small Business Focus Specializing in small business, we work to get you money while you remain focused on your business.
30 Year Terms Long-term relief and No payments for 12 months.
3.75% Rate Low interest and No payments for 12 months.
Qualification is simple! Do you qualify? The minimum qualifications for this limited-time Emergency Funding are less intensive than those of other SBA programs or banks. We focus on getting you quick approval and fast capital .
1+ Years in Business Only need to be in business for 1+ Years
Location Business can reside anywhere in the U.S.
$250k+ Annual Revenue 2019 revenue must exceed $250,000
Prefer 650+ FICO Personal credit score of 650+ preferred, but can be as low as 601
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity and qualify, please visit http://bit.ly/ERLoan to Get Started!
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