VFTV 05/2023


View from the Valley

Editor’s Note

The past month has been a whirlwind of activity on campus, with grad fest, springfest, finals week, commencement, campaigns, fundraisers, and campus beautification projects keeping us all on our toes. Despite the hectic pace, we are grateful for the fun we've had on campus and the many exciting opportunities that have come our way. It's been heartening to see so many students and faculty come together to celebrate our achievements, work towards common goals, and make a positive impact on our community. We're excited for all the things coming up. Whether it's finishing strong this school year, finishing up internship hours, community service projects, or simply enjoying the beautiful weather, let's approach the coming weeks with enthusiasm and optimism. Whenever my friends from the Radio/TV Program and I want ice cream, McDonald’s is usually our first option. However, the darn restaurant always has a “broken” ice cream machine! So, instead, we go to Burger King–which always has consistently delectable treats. Lately, we’ve been grabbing ice cream more and more–and, oddly enough, I feel like we have bonded over these sweet Burger King excursions. My friends and I will take our vanilla ice cream cones and walk around the beautiful WVC campus–or, we will laugh to tears at each other’s jokes in the News Channel 15 studio with half-drank milkshakes in our hands. We like making each other laugh and, most importantly, we like being together. I love going to the studio whenever my friends are there–even if it’s just one or two of them. We always find something to talk about but, when we’re burnt out on conversation, we enjoy one another’s presence in comfortable silence. I will be saddened to leave this regular routine of seeing them in the studio every day when I graduate from WVC. We are all set to part in separate ways once the summer ends. Our days of spontaneous walks around the Quad or hour-long lunch runs will suddenly become minimal. Even though departing from my friends makes me sad, I cherish the memories we made and will make until we move toward different chapters of our lives. A part of me knows I will see them again, and we will never lose touch. Burger King trips and late-night-group-homework sessions will always have a special place in my heart. Reading View From the Valley reminds me of all the good times at WVC. So, read on, and experience the fun we WVC students have been having! Peace! Maggee Bleyer

Read on! Jonathan Leach

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