Dr. Hoffman:
Hi everybody, Dr. Stu Hoffman, president of ChiroSecure, back with you again with another one of our live shows. So happy to have Dr. Ken Murkowski back with us again. He's done a number of shows with us in the past and he is just full of knowledge and informaDon. I just saw him this weekend at another even around the country and we got to talking about the ACA's new recommendaDon/guidelines on chiropractors taking x-rays that they published in August of this year, August 15. I take excepDon to anyone that is making a recommendaDon that a chiropractor does not need x-rays. Certainly, we know that there are a number of doctors that don't use x-rays as part of their standard pracDce. However, there's always a referral out to a facility. As an example, when I started in pracDce back in 1981, the only place we had to refer out to was the local hospital. Well that was never, ever, ever a good situaDon for us. Now, you have imaging facility on every corner. They want your business. So if you don't have an x-ray, there's no reason to not be able to refer out. I just want to go over these guidelines, because once again, we have to go into the fact that the ACA has taken a poliDcal stance that is not congruent to the tradiDonal pracDce of chiropracDc and I have a problem with that. These guidelines are going to opposed by people like the ICA and we are an affiliate of the ICA. The ICA has had guidelines for many years, including on x-ray. The IFCO, the one chiropracDc group, the ACA is totally outnumbered, but they are the ones that put this out in the public eye and that's going to be problemaDc to all of us in the chiropracDc profession based on their output. I want to just bring on Dr. Ken Murkowski. Hey Ken, how's everything today. It's called "Choosing Wisely," and what's happened is that the ACA has teamed up with the ABIM, which is the American Board of Internal Medicine, which is about 50 different medical boards. They have about 350 members and they set guidelines for all these medical situaDons. Well, apparently, the ACA through a couple of their officers have, were approached by ABIM, or they approached them, I don't know which one. I haven't been able to find that out and they came up with these five new guidelines and one of the one that has the most reacDon in the last 16 days is the do not obtain spinal imaging for paDents with acute low back pain during six weeks a\er onset in the absence of red flags. I guess if we take that iniDal statement, we really do have to look at it what I call with the magic prism and that is turn that magic prism around and look at it from different aspects to see how this actually came about. I guess what I'll lead off with is that since they did come from The American Board of Internal Medicine, when they proposed these things or they had their input, they're talking about how a medical physician, which would approach a paDent with low back pain. Of course, we all know the standards for that is of course pain killers, Good, Stu, how are you? Good. I wanted to see if we can start perhaps by addressing, what's actually in the ACAs document? Where did it come from?
Dr. Murkowski:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Murkowski:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Dr. Ken Murkowski The ACA X-ray Gui... Page ! of ! 1 9
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