right to le\, le\ to right, with what, like master rotaries, and we all know about those from school and then they're expecDng that there's gonna be no negaDve results. It could be posiDve, it could be negaDve, but it really depends on what basically is taking place inside the spine and to go in there without knowing what's in there, like I said, if you're gonna thrust, you want to know what's there and we have guidelines in place and all the colleges, they have their guidelines for their interns. The ICA has guidelines, the people that teach technique seminars. Gonstead has their guidelines. There are so many guidelines going around, to me, this was sort of a unique situaDon that the ACA would team up with the American Board of Internal Medicine and try to not even take into consideraDon the difference between doing something passive for the paDent like rest and drugs as opposed to doing something acDve where you're gonna thrust into an area that you're dealing with the eight physical components of [inaudible 00:09:24], which could be the disc, the altered biomechanical, maybe the spine is severely rotated from a trauma. Maybe there's a problem with imbalance, neurologically going into the muscle system. You want to know what's in there before you start thrusDng. You know, I kind of think that this may be a situaDon where the ACA is trying to regain some relevance in the profession because you have the drug people now taking their place all the way on one side of the profession. On the other end are people that are pro subluxaDon, again whether it be the ICA, one chiropracDc, the IFCO all on the other end, they're looking for a voice once again and this may be what it is. Not only did they team up with ABIM, but it was also a conglomeraDon with consumer reports and consumer reports has never been a friend to the chiropracDc profession so this is right up their alley to try to limit us into more of a therapeuDc approach rather than a doctor of chiropracDc approach analyzing and correcDng the verDcil subluxaDon that we find through someone's spine and I think that is problemaDc that we have groups working on behalf of these outside groups that are not supporDve of what we do. Well the other thing I, again, like I said, I always am respeciul to everyone's philosophical beliefs. I'm respeciul to whatever technique they use. I'm respeciul to you know however they do case management, but again, the one thing that brings [inaudible 00:11:21] under one roof is we're sDll all doctors of chiropracDc, we sDll all believe in our primary you know tenets that there is a philosophy, a science and an art, we know that the causes of subluxaDon in the chiropracDc profession [inaudible 00:11:37] traumas, autosuggesDons, toxins, and of course spinal problems, so if we even take the four basic things that we have in our history for over 100 years, traumas. Well, nurse trauma, that's another reason to consider x-rays.
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Murkowski:
When you talk about autosuggesDons, you're talking about stress, of course we know that stress today is gonna cause altered biomechanical states due to the chemical imbalances, that's where the chemical components of subluxaDon, so that's gonna make the spine and again, not in its proper posiDon so again, I think leaving it up to the individual pracDDoner, depending on his or her technique, Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Dr. Ken Murkowski The ACA X-ray Gui... Page ! of ! 3 9
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