ACA Guidelines What You Should Know

depending on his or her way to manage a paDent is the thing that's important, and again we could always go back on one very basic thing. If that parDcular pracDDoner doesn't do something good, then always, there is that issue of malpracDce, which we're gonna have to deal with in another system. The other thing I looked at when I first looked at these guidelines is again, I think I shared with you early, since Sunday I've had like over 50 calls on this. I've had over 100 different text and emails, I won't even tell you how many student contacts I've had over this from the different colleges, but the one thing is, anyDme guidelines like this come out, you also have to step back and look at the business aspect of this. What does that mean? That means that once the third party industry sees something like this, there may be another push now to either reduce or try to take away another thing that they pay chiropracDc for, which right now is x-ray. When we have other third party companies uDlizing chiropractors who have held naDonal posiDons before, I mean that concerns me. I mean we're looking now not only what's good for the paDent, but now we're looking in how that's gonna affect chiropracDc and how we run our offices from a business point of view, so the way I always explain it is in chiropracDc, there's two hands. The right hand is love and service, and the le\ hand is you know, business and legal. They come close, just don't get them confused. But in this issue, they are gonna be cross referenced quite a bit I think, because of this stance. You menDoned you know, these insurance, these, having an excuse basically to not pay for x-ray now and you know, I know personally, you know one example would be Aetna, who's hired one of the hierarchy of the ACA, what a coincidence and what a coincidence in Dming. I want to shi\ from that just a li`le bit. You know, you know the god of chiropracDc x-rays, [Terry Yochum 00:14:28], and you know, you menDoned the ICA guidelines before. Historically, where do these guidelines fit in, forgekng what the ACA just tried to do the profession, where do the tradiDonal guidelines show up for the doctors to be able to really benefit the paDent because isn't that what it's really all about. What's in the best interest of the paDent? I think that should be the primary focus on every visit by every chiropractor is what is best for the paDent. In answer to your quesDon or statement, this past weekend I was in a program with both Dr. Terry Yochum and Dr. Alisha Yochum and we did discuss this whole situaDon on these ACA guides and choosing wisely. The guidelines that have been in effect at the chiropracDc colleges. Again, each chiropracDc colleges, they teach li`le nuances and differences on techniques.

Dr. Hoffman:

Dr. Murkowski:

I think the guidelines that are generally accepted throughout the profession, the guidelines that the ICA has in effect, I don't know if anyone's really taken the Dme to read the ICA guidelines on x-ray. There's over 20 different items. I believe it's, I think it's 27 and they have guidelines like the child is under 10 years old, I mean, these guidelines are enough or should affect any chiropractor, it can affect any chiropractor because if you take those guidelines, which are so, so Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Dr. Ken Murkowski The ACA X-ray Gui... Page ! of ! 4 9

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