ACA Guidelines What You Should Know

Dr. Murkowski:

I think that if ChiroSecure did send out not just the ACA statement, but just the guidelines that we discussed and then the doctors again go back to the chiropracDc college or university that they graduated from and check their, I think almost every chiropractor today is gonna be very, very surprised that those guidelines are so inclusive to support any type of technique that you choose in your office plus whatever your personal philosophical belief plus again, it takes into consideraDon protecDng yourself as the doctor and of course doing a good service for the paDent. So if you guys will do that, I can't think of anything I could suggest to you that would be be`er served for our community than looking at the guidelines and looking at the five things from the ACA and then let the doctors make their decisions. Well thanks, Dr. Murkowski. Always a pleasure having you with us. You've been a good friend for so many years. I do want to you know, encourage our doctors to take acDon, make your voice heard at the ACA, but you can't make it heard any louder than by joining the ICA, One ChiropracDc, IFCL, join them all. They all need your help and support. ChiroSecure has always been a resource for our doctors. We'll maintain that posture, we're been a leader, we're going to maintain being the leader in gekng informaDon out to the doctors relevant to them and their pracDce and keeping their risk as minimal as possible. We pracDce the safest healthcare system in the enDre world as far as I'm concerned and my job is always defending those doctors that get approached with [inaudible 00:30:27] counters that so I want to be there for our doctors. ChiroSecure is behind you and if you're not with us, certainly we want you to support what we do in our mission as well. I want the doctors that are with us, go to the ChiroSecure website, fill out a quick quote form or an applicaDon and get on board with us. It's Dme to stop being wishy washy in this profession. We have too many people trying to stop us from what we do and I don't appreciate it and I'm gonna keep pukng my voice out there to support the chiropractors that are pracDcing chiropracDc and we are going to maintain that at ChiroSecure and be your resource. I just wanted to reiterate for the record that this is not an ACA or an ICA situaDon. It doesn't ma`er whether you're ACA member or an ICA member, or no CA member, what ma`ers here is that the doctors do what's right for the paDent with good, safe quality care and the doctors protect themselves and x- ray when necessary and basically, the most important thing is always do what's right for the paDent. It has nothing to do right now in my opinion whether you're AC or IC, let's do what's right for the right reason. I want to be clear that this is not AC versus ICA. I am ICA, but at the same Dme, I already indicated there are some really good people within the ACA membership. This is a poliDcal issue however and even if you're an ACA member, this should get you Dcked off and you should make your voice heard to the ACA. But, we all want what's best for the paDent and what's going to reduce the risk for the doctor so please be clear about that. I want to thank you for parDcipaDng with us today and thanks everyone for being so supporDve of ChiroSecure. Thank you.

Dr. Hoffman:

Dr. Murkowski:

Dr. Hoffman:

Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Dr. Ken Murkowski The ACA X-ray Gui... Page ! of ! 8 9

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