Now, Dr. Owens, who I've worked with extensively over the last decade ... Bill is a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons educaConal program. The first and only chiropractor in the world, and this, I think, is a 500 year old program, Bill?
Dr. Owens:
Like 1353, yeah, it gets absurd.
Dr. Studin:
So it's a 600 year program and we live in the world of educaCon and the chiropracCc educaCon at the highest level. And we do work the State University of New York of Buffalo School of Medicine. Bill actually runs clinical rotaCons through the Family Medicine Department and the Neurology Department. But we also have done ... we've both been published in biomechanical stuff. And we felt that they're just missing the huge amount. And then if you include the American Board of Internal Medicine and their guidelines, where's their training on mechanical issues? So, Bill, maybe you should pick it up from here, talk a liMle bit about the whole spine mechanical model and where you feel that that recommendaCon really is efficient and what's needed in the contemporary chiropracCc pracCce. That's a really good quesCon. And for chiropracCc to take a leadership role in spine, we have to fill a niche in the greater healthcare system that really isn't already filled at a high level. And to the medical community, that niche is the mechanical spine pain or ... someCmes they call it non-specific. And we know that the objecCficaCon of what we're treaCng is really the goal of any physical examinaCon. Whether it's heart disease or diabetes, whatever it may be. And for chiropractors, to be able to objecCfy what we're going, how we're adjusCng, is a really, really criCcal component. So when I teach third and fourth year med students, or residents rotate through my pracCce, the concept of us focusing on the biomechanics of not just the single region of the spine, but of the whole spine in general, is something that is working, it's worked for us since 1895. And it's something that the greater healthcare system is actually looking for. But, in order to do that, we have to consider how we look for these problems. How do we know where to adjust, parCcularly in paCents that are in spinal. So, a lot of this whole spine model that Dr. Studin menConed, is really being published in the neurosurgical and the orthopedic surgical journals. And what they're finding is that one of the most common reasons that spine surgery fails, parCcularly scoliosis surgery, is that there's a biomechanical abnormality in an adjacent region of the spine. And most of the research is saying why did low back surgery fail? Well, because there was a loss of cervical lordosis or there was a loss of coupling moCon in the spine. So, not only is primary care realizing mechanical spine pain needs a definiCon and a leadership ... a profession to lead it's management, the surgical people are as well. And that's what Mark and I started talking about with this whole x-ray guidelines thing. That the mechanical component is just as important as the pathological component.
Dr. Owens:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guidelines Part 2 Dr. M...
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