Dr. Hoffman:
That's great, Mark, I just want to add in to that, that first of all, I'm glad that you gave a comprehensive answer to that, Bill, because so many of our doctors would say, "Well, you know, I'm not a pain doctor, I'm not a structure doctor specifically. I fix subluxaCons or I reduce them and allow the body to express itself through innate, blah, blah, blah." We really have a wide ranging profession. And I said on a previous show that we have some network doctors that really may not care as much about this as opposed to an upper cervical doctor or maybe a full spine doctor, a Gonstead doctor or anyone else that does appreciate this. So, let me just go to your arCcle for a second and just start with that. One second, there are two issues. Number one, just to piggy back upon what Bill said and to segue in to what you said. ChiropracCc started, and I've been in the game for 37 years and you and I have known each other for a long, long, long, long Cme. When we started, everything was full spine. And then everything went to regionally. And then all of the sudden, it's regional compartmentalizaCon. Medicine, 37 years ago, was regional. And what's happening is, chiropracCc has now gone from full spine down to regional, down to why do you even image the region? Where medicine has gone from regional and based upon their more extensive research than us, than chiropracCc, because they have money, a lot more money. They're realizing that the full spine model is important. And when you're a surgeon fusing, and you can't overlook that chiropracCcally, okay. Because when a surgeon fuses a spine there's failed spinal surgery, not because of the area they did, but because the areas above or below reacted poorly, because it wasn't fused in a proper anatomical ad juxtaposiCon with the ... it wasn't the right angle. And they were guessing. And a lot of them are sCll guessing and they don't want to guess anymore. So, here's my answer to a lot of those doctors who are ... and I'm not going to use a technique name, but those doctors who adjust. Are you adjusCng the primary lesion or are you adjusCng compensaCon? How do you know? Most don't know. The spine is organized in a certain way. And you have to understand where those stressors, where the organizaCon is. And you're job isn't just to get a [inaudible 00:10:44] ... here's the problem with chiropracCc, it works too well. Symptoms go away so everybody gets beMer really fast, but are you making a structural correcCon that's lasCng? So and here's my challenge and a direct answer to your quesCon, Stu. And when I teach, and Bill and myself are actually inCmately involved with three chiropracCc colleges now that we hope we're making some posiCve influence, and there's a lot of debate even within those schools, we work extensively in two medical schools. But here's my challenge to every doctor listening to this. You make an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan prior to laying on your hands. Because you're first credo is doctor, do no harm. Here it is, ready? "I Stu, so if I can- Yeah, go ahead Mark.
Dr. Studin:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Studin:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guidelines Part 2 Dr. M...
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