somewhere. They laugh at it. So taking diagnosCc imaging and the issue of radiaCon, yes, you don't want to radiate or do any service unnecessarily, but it's not an unsafe procedure. So with that being said ... you asked, Stu, up front about taking a stance and why I felt I needed to take a stance. This wasn't against ACA or ... it's a disagreement with their parCcular posiCon and I felt it was not in the public interest. And my goal ... listen, you and I have had conversaCons with other people about aneurysms and all this other stuff, my number one overriding goal, before even chiropracCc, is the in the public interest. Are we helping people, are we protecCng people, are we saving people? That's number one and then chiropracCc comes right aier that. And that's what's important. And I'm the guy that doctors call all around the country, I have this weird clinical finding, what do I do? What's going on? I get calls every single day, I get mulCple calls every single day because I work and consult with doctors at a clinical level in 47 different states. And a day that doesn't go by that we don't pathology somewhere. Something's going on. Because it's not a rarity that there's a tumor. It's not a rarity that there is an anomaly, that there's even fractures that are asymptomaCc. I had one last week, the cervical arch was actually broken, if they did HIO the person would be done. Does it happen oien, no, but it happens oien enough that we do need malpracCce and you know that well. So ...
Dr. Hoffman:
I do. I do.
Dr. Studin:
It's an issue.
Dr. Hoffman:
We have a liMle bit of a different thought on these guidelines that came out from the ACA. And I think we get a liMle bit closer when you write, interesCngly, in this specific case, we have a chiropracCc poliCcal organizaCon, which is what the ACA is-
Dr. Studin:
It's a labor union.
Dr. Hoffman:
Compete with a medical board that is specifically trained on diagnosis of internal medicine disorders with liMle or no training on the management of acute spinal pain. And you wrote about this in great detail, and I think that this is really the crux of it. First of all, why the ACA would do this with them and Consumer Reports, who has never been a friend to chiropracCc. I'm not sure what good could ever come out of these guidelines, which is why we've invited them to help us understand. But you wrote about that. Can you touch on that for me, Bill? Yeah, first of all, it always comes down to training. And both Mark and I spend all of our Cme in the academic circles and we don't take it personally, but we called out on stuff. People asking in depth quesCons, they want to ask where you're trained, did you make it up, or have you actually had some training on it? Not just personal experience but have you been trained by others, is there sort of a method to what you're doing? Go ahead, Bill.
Dr. Studin:
Dr. Owens:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guidelines Part 2 Dr. M...
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