ACA Guidelines What You Should Know

ICA, poliCcal organizaCons at the state level, academics. We have to be very responsible. Because our words save lives or cost lives. And if a doctor feels that an x-ray is necessary, and he's reCcent to do that because of a conflict with a paCent or carrier, and then the paCent has a fracture, becomes a paraplegic. Or the paCent has a tumor and necessary care is delayed to help that resolve that tumor, treaCng with an ancillary pracCConer, we're talking about lives here. You know, we're doctors. And doctors of chiropracCc are not mutually exclusive, those two words, doctor and chiropracCc, it's mutually inclusive. We're in the business of helping people just feel beMer, but ... and I mean that not glibly, but saving their lives. And when you take shortcuts out of fear of anything, it's cosCng people potenCally lives and people within those organizaCons have to put their personal agendas aside and look at it globally and say, is what am I puhng on paper ... because Bill and I write a lot, but we agonize. And we argue all the Cme. Can we do this? Can we not do this? Is it fair to academia? Is it fair to the profession? Are we going to turn a doctor upside down, are we going to give a wrong message? Is it wrong poliCcally? Is it wrong from a medical, legal perspecCve? You've got to be very responsible before you put word to paper and publicly put it out there. Because too many irresponsible, personal opinions, beliefs and agendas oien rule the day where the few hurt the many. And the many's not just the profession. It's our society. And our job is to help these people from a global perspecCve. So all I can say to anyone out there, please be careful. And, thank you, Mark. We have had lots of response from ACA members who are, quite frankly, preMy irate at their own organizaCon. I don't take issue with the ACA and it's members as a whole. I do take issue that I don't know that this went through the organizaConal process and the effects can be profound. And I sCll ... I'll put it out again, right now, I would welcome anyone from the ACA to come on and help us to dissect this a liMle bit so that we can at least get an understanding of how this even came to be and what good you expect it to have as an outcome. Because we always talk about outcomes. So in closing, hey, everybody out there, please make sure you like us on Facebook. Just go to ChiroSecure and like us. Download our app, it's free at your store, whether it be Apple or Google. And this way you'll get our shows, our noCficaCons, that easy on your smart phone. And last but not least, anyone that's watching that's not already with ChiroSecure, hey, I'd love to invite you in. Go to, fill out a quick form or an applicaCon, either way, we'd love to talk to you, tell you all the benefits we have to offer and give you a compeCCve quote. We'll keep leading the way, we're going to keep gehng more informaCon and we'll keep passing it on to you. I have nothing but respect and good things to say. Thanks Dr. Bill Owens and Mark Studin for being with us. I appreciate all that you do with and for the profession and I don't think that this will be the last Cme we get together.

Dr. Hoffman:

Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guidelines Part 2 Dr. M...

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