Dr. Hoffman:
Hi everybody, thanks for joining us again for another Facebook Live. I'm Doctor Stu Hoffman President of ChiroSecure and we're back with you once again. I want you to know that ChiroSecure wants to just conDnue this conversaDon about the ACA X-ray Guidelines that were published. Our role at ChiroSecure as I see it is to do the best we can at keeping you informed about how this issue will conDnue to affect you by presenDng experts and opinions from both sides of the issue so that you, the pracDcing doctor, can decide what is best not for you but for your paDents. Whether you're from the ICA, the ACA, a state board, or anywhere else, we invite you to come onto the show and present your point of view. Today I'm joined by three people that I look at as very presDgious people in the chiropracDc world. Any of you that know me know that if I need someone I consider an expert it's always going to be Doctor Jerry Clum. He's with us today, but so is Doctor Jennifer Pedley a DACBR chiropracDc radiologist from Redlands, California. She has a private pracDce that she consults and interprets images for imaging centers, medical offices, lawyers, and chiropracDc doctors naDonwide. She also lectures for conDnuing educaDon programs for chiropractors on radiology. She is an expert in this area. So is Doctor Bryan GaSerman, another DACBR. Bryan has the notoriety of being at Life ChiropracDc College West for 35 years, well it's actually 34 and counDng. He has taught moDon palpaDon at Western States. He is the dude to go to. We've asked both Jennifer and Bryan to come on along with Doctor Clum and have a liSle discussion about this same issue. I want to start with Doctor Clum. Doctor Clum how do you put all of this in perspecDve for us in terms of how to look at this whole x-ray issue? Well thanks Stu and appreciate the opportunity to be with you again today and thank ChiroSecure for the effort to help give our colleagues a liSle more background on some suggesDons and some concepts that are important to their pracDce and for their paDents. It's also a privilege to present with Doctor GaSerman and Doctor Pedley. Bryan and I have known each other for preSy close to 40 years now. It's exciDng to work with him on this project along with you. To your quesDon in terms of how do we frame this discussion, well I think the most important thing is to go back and take a very close look at what we're talking about. We're talking about a recommendaDon or a procedure, guideline if you will, that addresses acute low back problems in adults, period. It doesn't have context relaDve to cervical pain, doesn't have any context relaDve to other problems that chiropractors see. This is a discussion and the recommendaDons are very specific to the acute low back problems in adults. We know the acute window that we're talking about is depending upon who you look at it's generally six weeks or less, some will say four or less, obviously adults, anybody over 18. Then it's also offered in the context of the absence of any red flags. Again, depending upon the authority you go to for that they may be broader or narrower depending upon which expert you choose but there's generally a spectrum of condiDons that we would all be familiar with or concerned about
Dr. Clum:
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