Dr. Hoffman:
Hi everybody. This is Dr. Stu Hoffman, back again with you with another Facebook Live. I'm happy to be here, and I want to talk to you today about ChiroSecure actually responding to the ACA's Choosing Wisely Guidelines, having to do with X-ray. ChiroSecure has had so many phone calls and emails on this exact topic that it's Jme that we came out and made addiJonal statements about X-ray. ChiroSecure's job, I want you to understand, is really to inform, so doctors can make their own decisions about this issue and do it in a way that offers the doctors the best advice to protect themselves and their paJents, from a risk management perspecJve. Let me tell you what we know. The Choose Wisely Back Pain Guidelines was wriOen in conjuncJon from the ACA and the American Board of Internal Medicine and Consumer Reports, which has never been a friend to chiropractors. On the Choosing Wisely site, under back pain, you can't even find the word chiropracJc, and that the recommendaJons are all of the over-the- counter medicaJons, massage, and, oh, by the way, see your doctor, everything that we hear on all the drug commercials on TV every day. The ACA Choose Wisely Guidelines have been released and are being very publicized. You have to wonder what's behind all of that. The ICA has not endorsed them. In fact, they're not going to, as the ICA have had their own guidelines on X-ray for many, many years. Some state associaJons, they have not endorsed them, and some have even come out with their own guidelines on X- ray, as well. Some doctors actually believe that the ACA is correct, that most paJents should not be X-rayed. I can understand that, based on certain procedures or techniques in the profession. There are some that are not X-ray driven, let's call it, but there are other doctors that absolutely use X-rays for analysis, and they are concerned about the risk, if they conJnue to take them, because of the publicity and the insurance rebuOal to taking X-rays, all of a sudden, already acknowledging these ACA Guidelines that they've actually put out. Let's keep in mind that, in the chiropracJc world, X-rays have been around since the beginning of chiropracJc, and they have always been uJlized from not just a technique perspecJve, but from a pre- and oXen a post-challenge to see what correcJon may have taken place through the chiropracJc care that's being delivered. We have to keep all of that in mind and respect all sides of this in the chiropracJc world, but there are quesJons that absolutely need to be answered. Why would anyone adopt a guideline, for the enJre profession, that doesn't even recommend what has already been proven to be one of the most effecJve drug-free protocols for pain ... chiropracJc? We have this whole opioid epidemic that's killing thousands and thousands and thousands of people, and the medical community is even looking for nondrug answers. We have those answers, and we're now looking at limiJng our ability to analyze a paJent's spine? Why would anyone adopt a guideline wriOen by, or even align themselves with, the two groups, the ABIM and the Consumer Reports, that do not know what we even do?
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