Let me give you an example of one that I talk about when I go around the country. One of the unfortunate situaDons that develop is that we get calls for is a doctor will call in and say, "Hey I just broke somebody's rib. I told them to hold on, I'm going to go call my malpracDce company." Which we then explain to them is not their best communicaDon that they could have had. It would have been more like, "I'm sorry," and that is not a normal response, and it isn't. If you break someone's rib in this day and age I don't care how big you are and how big or liSle they are it tells you something about the rest of their health and the condiDon that they're in to a large degree. One Dme I recommended to one of the doctors that he may want to think about le^ng the paDent know all of this and having them go back to their primary care physician and get a thorough workup to see if there's anything systemic that would be causing their bones to be that briSle. They did, and they went back, and he called me back which most of the doctors never do but he did and they said that they had found bone cancer on this paDent. He never even took an x- ray. It just tells me number one, some of the doctors say to me on the other end of this conversaDon, "Well if I don't take an x-ray I'm not responsible if they have bone cancer or get hurt because of that. I'm not responsible if there's a tumor, or if there's this or that because if I didn't see it how can I be responsible for it." I just wanted to come to you Bryan and say how do we put this in a liSle bit deeper perspecDve? You leh me a liSle speechless. I wanted to say first of all it's been the pleasure of my life to be at Life West. Life Weest is a campus community that has six upper cervical techniques, Gonstead, chiropracDc biophysics, diversified, so we teach virtually all of the techniques. It's given me an opportunity to work with interns as well as doctors of those techniques to on my part learn more about the technique but also to enter into the very conversaDon you were asking me about, how do we broaden the viewpoint of the intern, of the doctor, how do we bring in red flags and look at the differenDal diagnosis, so to speak. I believe that we want to look for the red flags, that's one of the good things about guidelines is they give us a structure, they give us a consistency, they give us the things that we need to look for every Dme we see the paDent. I try to emphasize those. I try to bring those into the discussion. Also from my moDon palpaDon background I like to look at palpaDon, I like to look at the other possible things that a chiropractor could do to evaluate a paDent. Many of those I think are quite significant and should be red flags in and of themself when it comes to x-ray. For instance, a rigid palpatory finding in the Okay that's a... I know that one's a lot. But... That was a lot... ... Take it as you will.
Dr. GaSerman:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. GaSerman:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. GaSerman:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guideline 3 Drs. Clum, ...
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