to be in pracDce very long before you find something that's subpathological that you didn't expect was there that could impact your care. Let's make sure we do the right thing. Totally agree. Doctor GaSerman and yourself talked a liSle bit in terms of risk. We are a malpracDce company so we have that concern as a natural concern over this whole issue. I encourage doctors to never ever hesitate when they feel like they should do something because we have to also recognize that it's not 30 years ago chiropractors don't graduate, come out of school, and every single one of them the first thing that they purchase is an x-ray unit. A lot of the doctors in this day and age do not have x-ray in their own facility. Even if you don't you sDll have to know enough to refer them out. I think that was as well said as it could have been. I think that from my perspecDve I certainly have that concern. I have another concern that's a liSle bit more subtle. You menDoned Doctor Clum that you're not for everybody that walks into a chiropracDc office having an x-ray. I don't need to put you on the spot for it but I wonder if this were 20-25 years ago if you would have made a statement like that which goes in lin with me thinking that okay these guidelines, this conversaDon, is really a first step. If you take this into a different profession that's actually uDlizing it to raise more like a chiropractor does to me that would be the denDst that the internist. The denDst take x-rays whether you like it or not, they're associaDons aren't saying, "Well you don't really need them of the molars." It's just part of the pracDce to be able to see the structure you're actually going and having a physical contact you're working on. To me, why would we back down from doing a similar responsibility in my eyes, because I think it is a responsibility to know what you're working with. Again, if you're a network doctor okay I get it. Even if you're an instrument adjuster I sDll think you need to know what the heck you're working with, as you said. Doctor Pedley, if I could just bring you back. Where do you see this going because you're the one that's going to get to see the end result on these x-rays, or on any of the imaging that winds up being necessary aher the fact perhaps? Right. While you were talking I was thinking of when I'm doing my lectures to chiropractors I'm finding that I want them to take more x-rays or have imaging actually done, performed on their paDents. I find more that chiropractors are not doing enough of it. SomeDmes they ask me quesDons and I'm like, "Well did you take an x-ray?" They're like, "No," and I'm like, 'Well that is the first step." We need to get the informaDon in order to do the next step for paDent care. I'm finding that they're not doing enough imaging really. To restrict that I don't think is going to do us any good. We're not going to learn more about our profession or about the techniques out there. Unfortunately, we need to do more gathering of informaDon within our own chiropracDc community so that way we can actually have guidelines that are specific to us as a chiropracDc clinician. I don't know if I answered your quesDon or not Stu, but...
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Pedley:
Dr. Hoffman:
You were great. When it comes down to it.
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guideline 3 Drs. Clum, ...
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