Y9 Bulletin 12.01.24

This weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates across Year 9.




It has been lovely welcoming our students back to school this week and I have enjoyed hearing all about everyone’s holidays when out and about on duty in school. Last term was very long, packed full of activities until the very last minute we broke up, so I know that everyone welcomed the rest. Although short, this will be another busy half term.

HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Veganuary - January Orthodox New Year - 14 January Blue Monday - 15 January World Religion Day - 21 January Holocaust Memorial Day - 27 January Year 11 Parent Consultation Meeting - 4-6.30pm 17 January Higher Education Evening - 5.30pm 22 January GCSE MFL Mock Speaking Exams - 22-26 January Oxbridge Briefing - 5.30pm 29 January

The deadline for Year 13 university applications is fast approaching and we are excited to learn more about the choices that our students will make at the end of their time with us. Year 9 will also be completing their important GCSE options; in addition to the work we are doing in school to help students with this key decision, we look forward to welcoming parents into school on Tuesday 6 February for an Information Evening. Next week we are looking forward to our Year 11 PCM, when parents will have the opportunity to discuss how students can use the final run up the GCSE exams to ensure that they achieve their best. We also hope that many of you will join us for our Quiz Night on Friday 23 February, please put the date in your diaries now. On Thursday our Year 11 Art students visited the Tate Modern to support their GCSE studies. Year 11 are responding to the word POWER for their GCSE exam and the trip gave them ample inspiration for idea development. Students spent their time sketching in the gallery and gathering information for their exam preparation. We have also shared the details of The Big Ambition Survey with our students which closes next Friday 19 January. This is a survey organised by Dame Rachel De Souza, Children’s Commissioner for England. She is keen to gather the views of children up to the age of 18 to ensure that their voices are heard by policy makers ahead of the General Election due this year.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher


JOINING THE PTA To get in contact with our PTA about joining the team please click below.

January is often a time when we make resolutions to improve our physical health and fitness by making changes to our diet or exercising more. However, it can be tricky to get the messaging right for our young people, who can easily be swept along by the latest viral social media trend which may not be healthy or sustainable. In school, we have been trying to combat unhelpful messages, such as plans to give up whole food groups or setting extreme weight loss goals, through assemblies on positive new year’s resolutions such as mindfulness, digital detoxing or actively choosing kindness. If you are concerned about your child’s body image or eating habits, the charity Stem4 has developed a helpful parent guide to go along with their award-winning app ‘Worth Warrior’ which aims to help young people to manage related early-stage eating difficulties or disorders.



We are excited to welcome back Year 9 for another fresh term at Waldegrave. In tutor time this week, students were coming up with brand new new years resolutions, both for in and outside of school, to think about any positive changes that they could make moving forward. Hopefully these will be useful to the students when they consider what they want the rest of this academic year to look like.

It was wonderful to see so many students involved in the numerous festive performances we had before the Christmas holidays. Thank you to all who contributed to our Winter Festival and Christmas Concert. It was brilliant to see the students in their element and all of the performances were wonderful.

Congratulations to 9EJO who came top of the epraise leaderboard this week. In second place we have 9FWD. Well done to both of you!

This term Year 9 are going to be getting more information about their options choices, with two assemblies planned to help the students make an informed choice. There is also going to be a Year 9 options evening on Tuesday 6 February in which parents and carers will be invited to school to hear more about the options process, to help your child make an informed decision.

Now that we have started a new term, this is a reminder that uniform does need to be correct as we start a new year. All false/painted nails, fake eyelashes and additional jewellery needs to be removed.



Looking for Alaska by John Green

“Looking for Alaska’’ by John Green is a poignant exploration of adolescence, love, and loss. The novel follows the journey of Miles Halter as he navigated the labyrinth of boarding school life and falls for the enigmatic Alaska Young. With a perfect blend of humour and heartbreak, Green crafts a narrative that resonates with readers long after the last page. “Looking for Alaska’’ is a beautifully written coming-of-age story that captures the essence of the human experience in a way that is both relatable and profound.

~ Recommended by Lina A, 11ERU

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 9 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

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