Agriculture and Farming Newsletter

Understanding the Basics of a Trust There are misconceptions that trusts can be complex and are often misunderstood and it is therefore helpful to explain some of the terms used. A trust is a legal arrangement that allows you to transfer assets to a separate entity (the trust) managed by a trustee, for the benefit of specific individuals or purposes. In the context of farming, a trust can be a valuable tool for preserving farmland and assets while providing for family members who may not be actively involved in farming. Protecting the Farm and Providing for Non- Farming Heirs Farming families often own vast tracts of land and valuable assets. When the next generation isn’t interested in farming, there’s a risk that these assets may be sold or divided, jeopardising the family’s legacy. In situations where some family members aren’t interested in farming, a trust allows you to allocate income and benefits from the farm to them without requiring their active involvement in the business. This can be a fair way to meet the financial needs of all heirs. By placing the farm and assets into a trust, you can therefore ensure they remain intact for future generations. Choosing the Right Trust Structure There are various types of trusts to consider, including discretionary trusts and life interest trusts. Each has its unique features and tax treatment, and the choice depends on your family’s specific needs and goals. Appointing a Trustee and Setting Clear Guidelines Selecting a trustworthy and knowledgeable trustee is crucial. This person or entity will manage the trust according to the terms you set, ensuring that assets are protected and benefits are distributed as intended. When creating a trust, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines regarding how the farm will be managed, how income will be distributed, and under what conditions beneficiaries can access their shares. Legal and financial advice is invaluable in this process.

Tax Implications Understanding the tax implications of using a trust for succession planning is vital. Proper planning can help minimise the tax burden on the farm and its heirs. Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax are key considerations and the use of a trust may enable these reliefs to be captured earlier than on the second death of a married couple which is often when the transfer otherwise takes place. With uncertainty surrounding government and the future direction of capital taxes these concerns could be removed with the use of a trust. Regular Reviews and Open Communication Succession planning is an ongoing process. It’s essential to periodically review and update the trust’s terms as family dynamics change or if the farm’s financial situation evolves. Maintaining open communication within the family is critical. Discussing the trust and its implications with all family members, even those not directly involved in farming, can help avoid misunderstandings and disputes and to allow all members of the family to understand their legacy and achieve a sense of fairness. Using a trust for succession planning in a farming family is a practical and effective way to ensure the continued success of your farm and the fair distribution of assets among heirs. While it may seem complex, with the right guidance, it can be a valuable tool for preserving your family’s farming legacy. Succession planning can be emotionally charged, but it is essential for securing the future of your farming business. By implementing a trust, you can navigate the challenges and complexities with a clear plan, safeguarding your family’s agricultural heritage for generations to come. If you need assistance with succession planning for your farm, please reach out to your usual Scrutton Bland contact, or reach out to Graham Doubtfire by calling 0330 058 6559 or emailing hello@ We are here to help you make informed decisions for your family’s future.


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