1. 2020 Autumn IBelongMagazine

The day I started to play video games instead of watching them, the streamer played wisely and silently while waiting around the corner for the enemy team. As it was just him vs everybody, 1 vs 3, wondering how this would play out??? Ever since then, I’ve always wanted to become a gamer, the loud vibrations playing, the loud vibrations playing every time you make a small movement. The loud explosions, the bouncing of a basketball, the building of your character, the exciting dances, aka emotes. The excitement of your teammates and the toxicity of your opponents. But it’s cool ’cause it is a community of different types of gamers and some would be upset if they lost. We all understand and go through it. The amount of time I usually spend on the game on a good day is about 12 or more, while I enjoy my favorite snack, Skittles. On average I eat about 30 percent of candy in a week. Yeah, that’s a lot of sugar. But it’s cool ’cause I don't gain much weight and plus I’m chill when eating

candy. I’ll listen to music: I have about 250 songs on my playlist. While playing the game I drink about two bottles of water while keeping focused on what I’m playing. After all that fun I usually get hungry and find something to eat, which is probably going to be waffles. I eat about 7 waffles a day. You can't go wrong with waffles. I gotta watch a video while I’m eating because it’s just simpler that way. Instead of just watching my food I spend about 16 hours chillin’ on YouTube a day. Overall there has been a lot that I have learned about the gaming world, such as the way some people play and how some people react when it comes to different situations. The amount of play time is also an important factor in the effects of gaming. Although excessive playtime can have negative consequences, gaming in moderation can be healthy, fun, and educational.

Reprinted with permission from Goucher College

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I BelongMagazine.com , Autumn 2020. All rights reserved. Published by Unified Efforts, Inc., Baltimore, MD, https://unifiedefforts.org

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