Biola Broadcaster - 1968-12

what is also true is that Christ is always knocking at the door of every heart, and it is possible for every man to hear the voice of Christ, even above the many voices of the domi­ nant world.

emerges a problem, of which very likely John at the moment did not even think. Are there then people to whom all preaching and all mis­ sionary work are quite useless? Are there people whose defenses can nev­ er be penetrated, whose deafness can never hear, and whose minds are for­ ever shut to the invitation and com­ mand of Jesus Christ? As we have said, that question was not at the moment on John’s horizon at all; he was simply stating things in terms of the blackest black and the whitest white. The answer must be that there are no limits to the grace of God, and that there is such a person as the Holy Spirit. It is the lesson of life that the love of God can break every barrier down. It is true that a man can resist; it is, maybe, true that a man can resist even to the end. But

A microphone to one side and a Bible in hand is a familiar position for Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, featured Tuesdays and Thursdays over "The Biola Hour." His well-used library behind him illustrates the reason why his Spirit-filled messages are so helpfully illus­ tratedwith important truths and spiritual gems.

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