King's Business - 1937-08

The Bible Family Magazine

AUGUST - 1937

Skinner Photo Arts

“ If you would be truly educated, young man, you must keep the Word of God central in all your thinking, and you must accept it by faith.” This conviction has been expressed by the alert business man, Howard Frost (seated) not in

words only, but in the provision, in which Mrs. Frost has shared, of thousands of volume^ in the JOHN LAURENCE FROST MEMORI AL LIBRARY for use among students of the modern world who need to know “ thus said the Lord.”

For the LORD’S SAKE T has been m y portion in life to undertake difficult tasks. Every call that has been a c­ cepted has been a challenge. In one instance it was a matter o f lifting a large church debt. In another instance it was the problem of

section of China. Our official magazine goes into at least 32,000 homes scattered throughout all the states of the Union and many foreign countries. Biola stands for the old Book and the old faith in a time of apostasy, and each member of the faculty and each member of the Board of Trustees is required to sign our doctrinal statement every year. Biola stands for aggressive evan­ gelism and deep spirituality. Biola is a lighthouse whose rays touch every continent and the islands of the sea. Biola is the outstanding bulwark against modernism and communism on the Pacific Coast. The devil hates Biola. H e has tried to destroy it. For Biola to go down w ould be on e o f the greatest catastrophes that cou ld befall the cause o f Christ in Am erica. Such a disaster w ould bring jo y to every atheist^ modernist, and communist in the w orld. It

building a church. In other instances it was the neces­ sity o f lifting churches out of the slough o f despond. The most difficult task that ever has been given to me is the one in which 1 am n ow engaged. It was not easy to accep t the call to Biola. I was happy in my church which was treating me graciously. Th e church had given me a three-months' leave o f absence and had gathered a purse so that 1 could go to the Scandi­ navian countries for a series o f large tent campaigns. Reports o f the gracious w orkin g o f the Spirit o f G od in this region had stirred my heart, and I yearned to go.

w ould be a victory fo r the devil and all his cohorts. BUT BIOLA IS NO T GOING DOW N ! G od is goin g to save Biola. H ow ? THROUGH HIS PEOPLE. We are asking God for 50,000 intercessors who will pray daily for Biola. Will you be one of them? We are ask­ ing God for 50,000 people who will give regularly to Biola. Will you be one of them? We need large gifts. It may be that some of the Lord’s stew­ ards who are reading this let­ ter could send $1,000 or $500 or $100. If so, ask God to show you what to do, and do

The call from Biola had to be given prayerful consideration. A fter waiting before the Lord in quietness and at the con clu ­ sion o f a night o f prayer, the answer cam e. 1 had to go. It was not easy to give up a w on ­ derful pastorate and the p ro ­ posed European tour, for which the ticket had been purchased and all the preparations made. I realized that my new task was a stupendous one, but 1 could not possibly realize how stu­ pendous. Th e burdens o f Biola are simply staggering. T o keep two interdenom inational schools going in a time like this is not

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

what He tells you. However, gifts in these larger amounts are comparatively rare. The continuance of the work at Biola is made possible by those who give $1.00 at a time. Will you give at least $1.00 a month? If every one of you will do that, the ministry of Biola can continue unabated. For the Lord's sake, for the sake of world evangelization, for the sake of perishing souls, I ask you to pray and give, that Biola may con­ tinue to labor for Christ and the salvation of souls. W ill you write me a; letter? If ever I have needed friends, prayer warriors, and supporters in the w ork o f the Lord, it is now . The Lord bless you and re­ ward you !

easy under the best o f circum stances. I have inherited problem s that are insurmountable from the human standpoint. It is on ly through the grace of G od and the prayers o f His people that I am sustained and not broken down physically. I am putting heart and sou] apd every ou n ce o f strength that I have into this enter­ prise. W h y? I believe Biola should be preserved. It is training four hundred or more young people in its day school, and many others in the evening school. Through the correspondence school and the Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, still other hun­ dreds are reached. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is an institution that is world-wide in its vision, in­ fluence, and task. Our students are being trained and encouraged to win souls while they are yet in school. One-half of the members of the graduating class this year are looking forward to work in the regions be­ yond, and all the others are longing to function for Christ here at home. The Hunan Bible Institute is the center of evangelism in an important and influential

Faithfully yours,


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1937


Insured Annuities By an arrangement with the most conservative and best-managed life insurance com­ panies, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, offers to its friends the most de­ sirable form of Christian investment— INSURED ANNUITIES Says T. A. Stafford, Treasurer, Board of Pensions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who arranged the reinsurance of all the outstanding annuity obligations of his board*: “We consider that the following distinct advantages for the board result from this contract: First —All annuity risks on the lives involved rest definitely with the rein­ surer ; Second —The board has a substantial margin free of liability at its command for immediate use or for accumulation, as it may desire.” *Methods and Plans in Using Annuity Agreements. Says Charles L. White, formerly Executive Secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society: “ The life insurance companies offer a service whereby the donor may be guaranteed a life annuity equal to normal income on his investments, and the board has for immediate use the entire residuum........... A promi­ nent actuary has prepared the following opinion:

"A life insurance company, with its large surplus funds, can afford to make an investment in annuities, expecting that in the long run the fund will grow to such a size that the law of average will take care of the situation. The small an­ nuity fund of a charitable organization, however, may become a cause of serious embarrassment to that organization. An unfavorable fluctuation in mortality might consume a large portion of the 'residual fund* which that organization expected to have in hand when all of the present an­ nuitants will have died. In other words the very purpose of the annuity fund may be defeated. “ The situation might further be aggra­ vated by an increase in the longevity of annuitants, as may very easily happen if such diseases as cancer, pneumonia or other common ills of old age are brought under greater control through advances in medical science. “ While I would not wish to make too sweeping a statement, it does seem wise for charitable organizations with small or moderately small annuity funds, to con ­ sider seriously the risks which they incur in the handling of such funds. Life in­ surance companies are organized to han­ dle annuities involving such risks. If the life '■> annuities promised by charitable or­ ganizations are reinsured in good life in­

surance companies, the charitable organ­ izations have relieved themselves of all risk and care under the annuity and can determine definitely how much of the d o­ nor’s gift can be freed for immediate use. It seems to me that this whole question is one which could well receive the con­ sideration of a number of charitable or­ ganizations granting life annuities.” Mr. White calls attention to the fact that the plan for reinsurance of annuities published in a New Approach to Annuities has certain advantages. The society does not assume the obli­ gation to pay the annuity, but arranges for the annuitant to have the strongest possible guarantee that the annuity will be regularly and promptly paid. The society has in its hands a balance after it has used a part of the gift to purchase the annuity for the annuitant. The society knows exactly what its gain is on each transaction, and if the donor believes, as many will believe, that the balance in the hands of the society will achieve the largest spiritual result by its immediate use, then the society’s in­ come will be at once increased. The society is relieved o f the necessity of investing all of its funds received from its annuitants in the securities of a cer­ tain state and making satisfactory re­ ports thereon to its officials, as in Texas.

The society will avoid embarrassments which will doubtless multiply if it tries to conduct its own annuity business in the various states. The society voids the dangers in the promise to pay an annuity during a long term of years, when the interest earned on the invested funds may become much smaller than was anticipated. The society does not have to set up a reserve fund to safeguard the payment of the annuity and to keep the same invested in certain types of securities as required by law, as in New York. The society can begin with safety to use for its purposes the residuum when it has secured its first annuity gift, and has no financial embarrassment, if it never secures another. The society is relieved of the expense of operating its own annuity business and of the meticulous care which such an op­ eration entails. A society does not need to abandon its present annuity plan, but can supplement and strengthen it by the method proposed. The society can assure the donor that in a reasonable number of years and per­ haps within his lifetime it will have the amount originally given and possibly more, if he prefers that the balance re­ maining shall be increased by interest accumulation.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, plans to use the residuum: First: for the current expenses of its annuity estates department; Second: for strengthening the annuity reserves on its noninsured annuities; and Third: for reinvestment to reach the amount given by the donor prior to application to Institute expenses. Should the annuitant desire, he may direct the application of the residuum to any of the above purposes. Full information will be given upon request and in absolute confidence for single payment life annuities of $100.00 or more. E l m e r J . P e t e r s o n , Manager BUSINESS DEPARTMENT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Ten Delightful Days for the Whole Family Read the accompanying program for the Third Annual Summer Bible Conference of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door, to be held at the Pacific Palisades, Calif., August 28 to September 6, and note how activities are planned for all the family. The Pacific Pali­ sades is a restful spot nestled among the oaks in a canyon between the sea and mountains, only twenty miles from Los Angeles, and yet suffi­ ciently secluded so that one can enjoy a most healthful, restful, and purposeful vacation. Tent houses and cottages available at moderate prices.

Special Events for Young People

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 9 :30 a . m . The Golden Incense Altar.— John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . M is s io n a ry H ou r.—South America Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Cross and Victory.—A. T. O'Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message. — Louis T. Talbot. 9 :30 a . m . The Ark and Its Mercy Seat. —John A. Hubbard. 10 :30 A.M. Missionary Hour.—Home Mis­ sions Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Risen, Interceding Christ and Victory.—A. T. O'Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message.—Louis T. Talbot. 9:30 a . m . Sunday School. 11:00 a . m . Morning Worship Period.— Bishop C. F. Derstine. 4:00 p . m . The Coming of Christ and Victory.—A. T. O’Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message. — Louis T. Talbot. 9:30 a . m . The Day of Atonement.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . M issio n a ry Hour.—World- Wide Missions Day. 4 :00 p . m . Mass Meeting.—Paul W. Rood. For the Children A complete and varied program is being ar­ ranged by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hooker and the Children’s Special Service Mission. The daily schedule will be as follows, Sundays ex­ cepted : Morning Period 9:00-10:15 Opening Session* including worship service,’ music period, Bible drill, memory work, “ Trip T h ro u g h Palestine,” glimpses through the Bible, and special features such as chalk talks, object lessons, and the Scripturegraph. 10:15-10:45 Class period with groups for all ages, from B e g in n e rs •through Intermediates, will be held with specially trained children’s workers in charge. 10:45-11:15 General Assembly, songs, spe­ cial missionary messages, and story telling. Afternoon Period Most of these meetings will be held on the sand at the foot of Temescal Canyon. 2:00- 3:30 Special features every day, in­ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6.

General Program 8 :45- 9 :15 A.M. Prayer and Praise Service. 9:15- 9:30 a . m . Song Service. 9 :30-10:20 a . m . Bible Study Hour.—John A. Hubbard. 10:20-ll :15 a . m . Missionary Hour. 11:15- 4 :00 p . m . Free Time. . 4 :00- 5 :00 p . m . Victorious Life.—Charles G. Trumbull and A. T. O’Rear. 5:00- 7:00 p . m . Dinner and Free Time. 7 :00- 7 :50 p . m . Young People's Victory Circle. 7 :50- 9 :00 p . m . Evangelistic ^Message and De­ cision Service. — Oswald 'J. Smith and Louis T. Talbot. 9:15-10 :00 p . m . Young People's Fireside Fel­ lowship. Conference Director—William G. Nyman. Conference Song Leader—Woodrow Rood. Conference Pianist—Gordon Hooker. Daily Program fo r Adults and Yottng People SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. 7 :50- 9 :00 p . m . Opening Conference Message. Louis T. Talbot. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 9 :30 a . m . Sunday School, with Regular Departments and Classes. 11:00 a . m . Morning Worship Period. The Most Important Truth in the Bible.— Oswald J. Smith. 4 :00 p . m . H ow Much Victory Can We Have?—Charles G. Trumbull. 7:50 p . m . Prophetic Message.—Louis T. Talbot. MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 9 :30 a . m . The General Plan of the Tab­ ernacle.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—China Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Secret of Surrender.— Charles G. Trumbull. 7 :50 p . m . Saving Faith or What It Means to Believe.—Oswald J. Smith. 9 :30 a . m . The Brazen Altar.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—Africa Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Faith for Victory.— Charles G. Trumbull. ^ 7 :50 p . m . Salvation vs. Religion or Which Church Saves ?—Os­ wald J. Smith. 9:30 a . m . The Laver.— John A. Hub­ bard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—India Day. 4:00 p . m . Can Victory be Maintained?— . Charles G. Trumbull. 7 :50 p . m . The Question That Settles Destiny.—Oswald J. Smith. 9 :30 a . m . The Table of Shewbread and the Golden Candlestick.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—Mexico and Central America Day. 4 :00 p . m . Jesus Is Victor. — A. T. O’Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Five Solemn Facts or the Un­ pardonable Sin.—Oswald J. Smith. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.

The young people's program is under the general supervision of Elmer Olson« For the morning and afternoon sessions and the 7 :50 to 9 :00 evening service, the young people will meet with the adults. The program for the special young people's Victory Circle and Fire­ side Fellowship is as follows:

V ictory Circle Them e “Choose Ye the Way”

SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Songs and choruses, get-ac­ quainted time, introductory message by Elmer Olson. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye The Way —Salva­ tion.—Cecil Jeffrey. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship | around MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Conse­ cration.—Don Hillis. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Bible Study.—Dudley Girod. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fellowship on the Beach. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Prayer. —Don Hillis. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Serv­ ice.—George Jackson. ! 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Loy­ alty.-—Roy Creighton. 9:15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in All of Life.—S. H. Sutherland. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fellowship Meeting and “ Sing” on the Beach. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Social . Conduct.—Dan Gilbert. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. DAILY FROM 12:30-4:00 p . m . the camp fire, including “ sing,” newly m em orized Scripture verses, message im­ pressions.

cluding Scripture writing in the sand, Bible and mission­ ary stories worked out in the sand, treasure hunt, parades, demonstrations, and other di­ rected recreation and activi­ ties.

Baseball, horseshoes, swim­ ming, badminton, tennis, and other outdoor sports. Golf courses are available in the vicinity of the Palisades.

For fu r th e r in fo rm a tion write to: THE B IBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Extension Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


PAUL W. ROOD, Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

A-Millennial? Pre-Millennial? Post-Millennial? If you are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some time ago. The responses from those who had sent for it were filled with grati­ tude to ©od for a new revelation that had come to them; almost every one said in effect: "This should be read by every Christian in America." So I am making the same announce­ ment once again; I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the com­ ing of the King, and I am doing my part to accomplish it. Whether I reach you depends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, "I am a pre-millenarian; send me your message." If you are not a pre-millenarian, please do not answer this advertisement. And may I remind you also of the con­ tinuous needs of our missionary undertak­ ings? In the spirit of Isaiah 40:1-2, we stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between a misrepresented Chris­ tianity and a misled Judaism. In this min­ istry of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18) your faithful, prayerful undergirding is needed far more than you will ever know this side of eternity. Our work merits your every confidence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship In prayer and in gift is always welcome and appreciated. Our monthly publication, THE CH O SEN PEOPLE, is of course sent to all contributors.

S h e S l h l e T a m i l # Motto: "Unto him that loved us, andwashed us from our sins in his own blood .”— R ev . 1:5.


August, 1937

Number 8


Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood . . .

. 292 . 293 . 294 . 296 . 299 . 301 . 303 . 312 . 313 . 318 . 323

What Is It T o Be a Christian?— W . Graham Scroggie

Facing “ The Challenge of Christ”— Mildred M . Cook

The Messianic Psalms — William L. Pettingill .

Jinsaburo Lifts His Cross— Opal Leonore Gibbs .

Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker .

International Lesson C om m en ta ry ...............................

Bible Institute Family C i r c l e ......................................

Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner

Daily Devotional Readings..............................................

School S ection ......................................




TERMS: Single Copies.------------------—----------------------15c Annual Subscription---------------------------------------------$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 3.50 Five annual subscriptions---- \ ------------------------------ 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions-------------------------- -------10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. reauire 25c REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft. Ex- press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ The King's Business.“ Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of extra*

ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in THE KINO’S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE OTREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative, Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadel- phia. Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. ® "tf f ed„ as SJ^?nd Cl^ 8 Matter November 17, 1910, th® p “ t Office at Los Angeles, California, under Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. _________________________ the Act March 3»

J. Hoffman Cohn, American Board of Missions

to the Jews, Inc., 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

Dear Brother: I am a pre-millenarian; herein I enclose 10c; send me your message. I also joyfully enclose $...................... as my fellowship with you in your world-wide Gospel ministry to Israel.

desired change.

POLICY (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work, and coming of eur Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California


Address .



August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Around the King's Tab le


This message of the ideal preacher will meet men’s deepest needs. There are three fundamental problems in the world: namely, the problem of sin, the •problem of sorrow, and the problem of death. These problems are universal, and Christ is the answer and the only answer. Paul said: “I know whom I have believed” (2 Tim. 1:12). Paul knew that he had a Saviour who can save from the guilt of sin and from the power of Satan. Christ had met his need; and what Christ.has done for Paul, He can •do for others. This was Paul’s conviction, and this must be our conviction if we are to be a blessing to mankind. Christ has power upon earth to forgive sin. “ He breaks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood availed for me.” “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans- eth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Christ can solve also the problem of sor­ row. Paul said: "W e know that all things work together for good to them that love God” (Rom. 8:28). There are no mis­ takes in God’s dealings with His people. He deals with us in love. Life is not con­ trolled by fate. God is on the throne, and H',e so overrules the experiences of life that all things work together for good. What a message of comfort to those who are sorrowing! What a satisfying and truly adequate philosophy of life for those who are being tested! Christ is likewise the solution of the problem of death. Paul said: “ For we know that, if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a build­ ing of God, a house not made' with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1). This life is not all. There is something very real beyond the mists and the clouds. Christ has conquered death and the grave, and because He has conquered, we shall conquer. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “ I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). What a privi­ lege it is to go to sinning, broken, dying mankind, and to say that Jesus Christ can forgive every sin and can save every soul that will turn to Him! He is able to an­ swer our questions and solve our prob­ lems. He has forgiveness for the sinner, comfort for the mourner, and hope for the dying. A God-called preacher has the message that the world so sorely needs, the only message that can meet the funda­ mental needs of man. Having an adequate message, the ideal Christian worker is also a man with a [Continued on page 325]

The Ideal Christian Worker I DEALS have been compared with stars. The sailor is guided by the stars. He does not reach the stars thereby, but he does reach the harbor. Similarly, Christians find in the Word of God those shining lives that provide guidance for the journey of servants of Christ through this present life. Paul is the ideal Christian worker. He was a Christian statesman, a dynamic leader, and an able organizer. He was a profound theologian, a sacrificial mission­ ary, a zealous evangelist, a clear teacher, and a remarkable author. He gives us the secret of his life and marvelous ministry, in the statement, “ For me to live is Christ.” It is doubtful whether any one else in the history of the church has so understood, lived, and interpreted Christ as did Paul. It is no wonder that Paul could say: “ Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample” (Phil. 3:17). Examining the divine revelation, we find the char­ acteristics of an ideal Christian worker as manifest in Paul and his ministry. The ideal Christian worker must have, first of all, a spiritual experience. Of neces­ sity he must be one who has experienced the miracle of regeneration whereby he has passed from the realm of death into the realm of life and has become a partaker of the divine nature. Paul had this ex­ perience. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1:15). This is Paul’s testimony. He had recognized his lost and undone condition apart from Christ, and he had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. He had experienced a radical change and had been given a new outlook upon life and a new attitude toward Christ and toward his fellow men. “Therefore if any man be in'Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). Furthermore, the ideal Christian worker must be Spirit-filled. Paul admonished the Christians in Ephesus to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Paul had experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit and was living and working in the power of the Third Person of the Trinity. He knew that it was impossible to live a victorious life and to be a blessing in this world without the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We do not agonize ourselves into this experience. We receive it through an attitude of sur­ render and faith. No one should attempt to teach the Word of God and to work for the Lord in his own power. Work done in the energy of the flesh is doomed to fail­ ure as far as results for eternity are con­

cerned. Only that which is done in the energy of the Holy Spirit will stand, the test of fire at the judgment seat of Christ, and only service of that kind will be re­ warded. Furthermore, the ideal Christian worker must walk with Qod and must maintain unbroken fellowship with the Lord. He will allow God to speak to him through His Word, and he will speak to God in prayer. Paul, like Enoch of old, walked with God. He did not wish to allow anything to come between him and his Lord. The Christian worker who gives his full time to the ministry of the Word—whether as preacher, missionary, evangelist, or Bible teacher—should be one who has 'received a definite call from God to that work rather than to a secular occupation. Paul had such a call. “ He is a chosen vessel unto me,” spoke the Lord concerning him (Acts. 9:15). When testings come, what a comfort it is for a minister to know that he is a God-called and a God-anointed man! No one should dare to go forth into full-time Christian work without being absolutely sure he has a commission from the Lord. The ideal Christian worker will be a man with a message. He will have a gos­ pel message. What is the gospel ? It is good news. Paul has given us a clear definition of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4. The gospel is the good' news that Christ died for our sins and that He. rose again the third day. Christ through His sacrificial death upon the cross made it possible for man to be reconciled to God. Apart from Christ, man is lost. He is a sinner by nature and practice. He has missed the mark and is alienated from God. A true preacher must have a Pauline conception of the exceeding sinfulness of sin and of the solemn fact that men are in danger and need salvation. God longs to save man.! “ And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; T o wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18, 19). We are to plead with men to come to Christ. “ Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20). The ideal preacher will have a dog­ matic message. He must be positive and not negative. He must preach the truth of God without fear or favor. He is not a truth seeker but a truth finder. He has found Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

What Is It T o Be a Christian?

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By W . G R A H A M SC RO G G IE Edinburgh, Scotland

The designation trembled on the lips of Jesus when He said: “Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward” (Mk. 9:41). “ Because ye belong to Christ’ just means, “ because ye are Christians.” And the Apostle Paul is to the same purpose when he says— “ Christ the firstfruits; after­ ward they that are Christs” —that is, Christians —“ at his coming” (1 Cor. 15:23). The Jews called Christ’s followers Gali­ leans or Nazarenes, and among themselves His followers were known as disciples, be­ lievers, brethren, and SAINTS; but it was left to pagans to give them the name which more simply and comprehensively than any other describes them. That heathen jest has become a spiritual joy, and Antioch’s gossip has become the church’s glory. But, let us observe, the heathen gave these people the name only, and not their character, and it is with their character that we are concerned in the inquiry—What is it to be a Christian? R ightly U nderstanding C hrist and H is W ork T o say that a Christian is a follower of Christ compels us to go further back, and ask, Who is this Christ whom Christians follow? If we misinterpret Him, our under­ standing of Christians and Christianity can­ not but be inadequate, or wrong. Now, for our knowledge of Christ we are dependent upon the 'New Testament and are shut up to that presentation of Him which there dominates, Christ’s claims for Himself, and His own interpretation of His mission, are the things that matter here. As to His Person, He claimed to have come from God, as none other had ever come; and He claimed to be the Son of God, as none other ever was. And as to His mission, He declared that He had come to give His life a ransom for many. He never interpreted His work away from the idea of sacrifice, and of vicarious sacrifice. “This is my blood of the covenant,” He said, “which is poured out for many unto remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28, R. V.). And again, “ I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself. But this he said, signifying by what manner of death he should die” (John 12:32, R. V.). And again, “When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he” (John 8:28). From these and many similar passages, we see that that which dominates Christ’s mission is not His teaching, but His sacri­ fice, not His life, but His death. The In­ carnation made that sacrifice possible, and the sinless life made it worthy, but it was for the sacrifice itself that He came. Jesus [ Continued on page 298]

"The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). W HO can estimate the power of words? They are living things, with hands and feet. A knowledge of the meaning of words, and a proper use of them, will make a man or woman a power to be reckoned with. Of course, if one’s knowledge of a word’s meaning is faulty, his use of it cannot be correct, and it is to be feared that for this reason many important words have largely lost their power. Among such is the word “ Chris­ tian” ; and thus I shall endeavor briefly to answer the question, What is it to be a Christianf That the inquiry is by no means superfluous, reflection for a moment or two will show. “ Christian” is often used as the opposite of “heathen” ; sometimes it is made to mean a civilized person, or one belonging to what is called a Christian country; also baptized persons and those born of Chris­ tian parents are called “ Christians,” as are all members of Christian churches. But are they all Christians who are not heathen? Are all civilized persons Chris­ tians? Are all Britishers Christians? Are all baptized persons—infants or adults— Christians? Are all the children of Chris­ tian parents Christians? Are all the mem­ bers of Christian churches really Christians? We have only to ask these questions to realize how inadequate, not to say mislead­ ing, are these uses of the word to indicate its meaning, and thus, even at this late date, it is not unnecessary to ask, “W H A T IS IT TO BE A CHRISTIAN?” The declaration, “The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch,” takes us to the origin of the word; and here there are particulars of considerable importance that should receive our attention. First, this name was intended to dis­ tinguish those to whom it was applied from the Jews and their religion. Second, it was a name given to these [Not long ago, Dr. Scroggie visited the United States for Bible conferences under the auspices of the World Dominion Move­ ment, and delivered a number of addresses in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Linger­ ing still is the fragrance of his pulpit min­ istry; and through such messages as this article, and its sequel which is ready for early publication in T he K ing ’ s B usiness , as well ¿is through his books (please see page 319), the benefits of his scholarship and deep devotion to Christ are extended to countless lives .— E ditor .] W hat the N ame M eant in the A ncient W orld

W. Graham Scroggie people by others, by Gentile heathen, the “idle and witty inhabitants of Antioch,” who “were famous in all antiquity for the invention of nicknames.” Third, this wit or sarcasm of the An- tiocheans unsuspectingly hit upon what was most characteristic of the people to whom they referred, namely that they were Christs people, or followers of Christ, as Herodians were followers of Herod, and as Moham­ medans are followers of Mohammed. Fourth, thus early even these heathen recognized that this sect was “no mere variety of Judaism,” but a society with a universal mission, with a message to Jews and Gentiles alike. The appellation occurs only three times in the New Testament, and in each case it is the word of ungodly Gentiles. The first occurrence is in our text. The second is where Agrippa says contemptuously to Paul: “With but little persuasion thou wouldest fain make me a Christian” (Acts 26:28, R. V .). And the third is where Peter, referring to slaves who are illtreated by their heathen masters, simply because they are Christians (1 Pet. 4:16), says: “ If any man suffef as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.” Now from Tacitus and Ignatius we learn that this name of opprobium early became the chief designation of Christ’s followers, superseding all other names. Chrysostom, addressing the citizens of Antioch, where the word originated, says, “ As Peter was the first to preach the Christ, so was this city the first to be crowned with the name of Christian as with a diadem of wondrous beauty.”

August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Chorus Choir of the Jubi l ee Christian Endeavor Convention, with its director (be­ low), Herbert G.‘ Tovey, of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles


Weaver Photo Service

Facing "The Challenge of Christ" Over 8 ,000 Christian Endeavor Delegates Meet in Los Angeles By MILDRED M. C O O K

W hen several thousand young men and women are drawn together, their interests fused and their thoughts focused steadily for five days on one central, compelling, calling Leader— the Lord Jesus Christ — Christians every­ where may well thank God. And praise did arise from thousands of hearts during the Golden Jubilee Conven­ tion of the California Christian Endeavor Union, held jointly with the Los Angeles County Union in the spacious Shrine Audi­ torium in Los Angelep, June 26 to 30. The golden words of the Convention theme, “The Challenge of Christ,” high-hung above the platform for all to see, found a meaningful response in many a young life among the 8,252 registered delegates

be the love of Christ that does that.” Marie McDonald was another of Mr. Coleman’s young people. She journeyed to Los Angeles from El Cerrito, a distance of perhaps four hundred miles. “ And I tell you,” she remarked enthusiastically, “ it was worth coming all that way just for one thing—the Convention music! To hear that great chorus singing: ‘Hear the challenge, holy challenge, Hear the challenge of Christ ’— has meant a great deal more than listen­ ing merely to a good theme song. It has meant that we have heard His voice.” Marie’s opinion was echoed by almost every other young person who was inter­ viewed. For twenty weeks, the members

coming that the group should be housed at the Institute, several friendly chats with young people were arranged. “ I wanted to bring them here,” Mr. Coleman explained, “because of what B. I. has meant to me.” “You are a former student, then?” “ No,” he replied, “but I came to the Institute frequently, while I was located at San Pedro during World War days. I be­ lieve in this school, I’ve never been able to forget how wholesome is the atmosphere of the place, and I’ve wanted my young people to know something about it, too.” One of the boys in the group sensed at once the friendly spirit which pervades the Institute. “Why, the minute we got here, I felt right at home,” he said. “ It must

and among other friends who attended—and for such a result the Lord must be praised. Within the scope of this brief article, no effort is made to mention the personnel of the Convention, or to call attention to the type of messages given, or to discuss any of the visible results of the gathering. But a glimpse may be given into the hearts of a few of the young people themselves, for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles had the privilege of entertaining about fifty of the Convention dele­ gates during the period of their visit to Los Angeles. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Coleman, of Berkeley, Calif., who had char­ tered a special bus to. bring their group of twenty-eight to the Convention, and who had arranged in advance of their

Only a few of the Chris­ tian Endeavor delegates who were entertained in the Bible Institute during the recent Jubilee Con­ vention in Los Angeles are shown in this picture. The young people were welcomed by Miss Bea­ trice G. Prosser, Superin­ tendent of Women (near center of group), by W. R. Hale, Superintend­ ent of Men (at Miss’ Prosser's left), and by other officials. John Yong, a Biola s tudent who spoke at the Convention, is at Mr. Hale's left. At the doorway are (left to right) Kenneth M. Mon­ roe, faculty member; Elmer J. Peterson, Busi­ ness Manager, and Dewey Coleman, sponsor of the C. E. group.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1937

A Christian E n d e a v o r gathering of county-wide importance had been held near the boy’s home town, and the beloved Howard L. Brown, General Secretary of the California Christian Endeavor Union, had been one of the speakers. Like other leaders of this organization in California, Mr. Brown evidences a Spirit-given pas­ sion for souls. In simple language George told at Biola of a great transaction that had taken place months earlier. “Howard Brown used one illustration that I couldn’t get away from,” he ex­ plained. “ It was just a little story about a rose. ‘If you had a beautiful white rose,’ he said, ‘and you wanted to give it to your mother, you’d give her all of it—all at once —not just a petal at a time.’ Right away, I saw that the Lord Jesus Christ ought to have all of my life. And—well—I just gave Him everything!” Other Christian Endeavor young people have made the same decision, hundreds of them. And in giving their lives—fragrant in consecration, beautiful in determination —they have come to see a clear and blessed truth: that it is not upon their giving that salvation rests, but upon their receiving first of all of that which the Greatest Giver offers through His death. They may say with Paul: “ Not by works of righteous­ ness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us” (Titus 3:5). Just how many there were at the recent Jubilee Convention who transferred a whole life into Hands that are nail-scarred, God knows. These are the ones, their names inscribed in heavenly records, who have accepted in very truth “ The Chal­ lenge of Christ.” And for them the Bible Institute of Los Angeles gladly would offer both praise and prayer.

of the chorus—over 300 in all—had met one evening each week for a strenuous practice period of two hours under the able and prayerful direction of Herbert G. Tovey, Director of the Music Course at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. “ It was a wonderful opportunity, both musically and spiritually,” one of the singers confided. “ ‘Remember,’ Dr. Tovey told us, ‘these songs will ring throughout eternity—songs about the blood of Christ, and the Word of Christ. Think of that as you sing.’ And we did.” T o M eet the M aster Vernez Cook, another visitor to Los An­ geles, is something of a musician herself, having studied violin, piano, and oboe, and being qualified to teach these subjects. But it was not of this proficiency that she spoke, while she conversed with friends at Biola. “ I think I’m the happiest person in the world,” she introduced herself. And she looked happy. “ You want to know what my big desire was in coming to this Convention?” she went on. “ I’ll tell you ! It was to meet my Master face to face and to have thè joy of seeing others for whom I have prayed come to Him. I’ve been in the prayer band which has prayed morning, noon, and night for blessings on this Convention. And oh, He has proved that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. I surely agree with the mis­ sionary speaker from Africa when he said that all the pleasures of the world are a bubble when compared with the lasting joy of seeing one person accept Christ.” Vernez expects to major in music in col­ lege, and she is thinking also of Biola. “Bible training surely would appeal to me,” she said. “ I think God’s Word ought to be in every young person’s heart before he takes up university study these days. You know, what we young people need most of all is a fuller and richer knowl­ edge of the Bible, of its power and bless­ ing in our own hearts.” Like Vernez, George Lawrence was im­ pressed most deeply by those features of the Convention which urged soul-winning and the young person’s yieldedness to Christ. George is a Christian— one who, at school, would “ rather play basketball than do anything else”—and the members of his team know that he belongs to Christ. “ The hardest thing a fellow has to do, I think, is to show the crowd he’s really ■prouà. to be a Christian. I’m for anything that will help a fellow do that. Meeting Christ here has helped me, and I know it has helped others, too.” G iving C hrist A ll With manly directness, George referred to the day when he had received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and had given his life into the Lord’s control. As he spoke, his sentences were like broad, firm brush strokes in a picture of strength and beauty. Perhaps he was unconscious of the scene which his words constructed—a home in a California small town, a stalwart son who bore an especial affection and regard for his mother, and a crisis day in which they both figured.


Relating his remarks to the words chosen as the theme of the Convention, "The Chal­ lenge of Christ," the Honorable Frank F. Merriam, Governor of California, in an ad­ dress of welcome to the Christian Endeavor delegates said in part: "Life today is made up of one challenge after another . . . This great company comes here, facing and ac­ cepting the greatest challenge, the challenge OF CHRIST, and for that reason you may go out to have a tremendous influence upon what California is to become . . . We hear on every hand, 'Where is our country go­ ing?' I can tell you where it is going, and I am no wiser than any other man. It is going in the direction in which groups such as this shall lead the way. What we need are Christian men and women in California to­ day who will stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for what they believe, accepting the challenge and pressing on to triumph."

The Challenge Of Christ M att. 28: 19— 20 California C. E. Golden Jubilee Convention Theme Song

H. G. T.

Herbert G. Tovey

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1937


The Messianic Psalms*

By W ILL IAM L. PETTINGILL Wilmington, Delaware

PART IV T h e T hree S hepherd P salms

Putnam Studios

"The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

O F t h e Messianic Psalms—the Psalms that are taken up and quoted in the New Testament and there applied to Christ—the fourth is Psalm 22. Psalms 22, 23, and 24 should be considered together, for they are all Shepherd Psalms. In the New Testament our Lord is presented as a Shepherd in three ways. In John 10 He is the Good Shepherd, giving His life for the sheep (John 10:11). In Hebrews 13:20 He is the Great Shepherd, “brought again from the dead . . . through the blood of the everlasting covenant,” who is now in resurrection power and glory caring for His flock. In 1 Peter 5:4 He is the Chief Shep­ herd who will one day appear to reward His undershepherds and take immediate charge of His sheep. All of these relationships are set forth in order in our three Shepherd Psalms. In Psalm 22 the Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep. In Psalm 23 the Great Shepherd is leading His sheep and caring for them. In Psalm 24 He is the King of glory, in His appearing at the end of the age. A. J. Gordon used to say that Psalm 23 is a suspension bridge, leading from the sufferings of Christ in Psalm 22 to the glories that shall follow, described in Psalm 24 (cf. 1 Pet. 1:11). Psalm 22 has been called “The Psalm of Sobs.” It is a picture of our Lord’s cruci­ fixion, written a thousand years before the event. We shall find as we go on with this study that this Psalm is frequently re­ ferred to in the New Testament, and that it is unmistakably applied to Christ. H uman S in and D ivine H oliness The Psalm opens with one of the seven words from the cross: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” In Matthew 27:46 we read that “ about the ninth hour

Shuhite was being solved, as set forth in Job 25:4-6: “ How then can man be justi­ fied with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman? Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight. How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm?” The answer to Bildad’s question is that man is justified- with God through the. transaction of Calvary, where the Lamb of God shed His precious blood in order to make it possible for the right­ eous God to remain righteous while justify­ ing the believing sinner. It is the marvel of the gospel that God found a way by which “ he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). The sacrifice of Calvary does not appeal to the natural man. “All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him” (Psa. 22:7, 8). In Matthew’s account of the crucifixion we read that “they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in G od; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth” (Matt. 27:39-44). T he S tory of C alvary O ne T housand Y ears in A dvance In verses 9 and 10 the Sufferer rolls Him­ self upon Jehovah in His agony, and in

Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” In the consideration of these words, the question arises as to just why God did for­ sake His Son in that awful hour on the cross. The cry goes on: “Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou answerest not; and in the night season, and am not silent” (Psa. 22:1, 2, R. V .). ' The answer to this question may be found in the words of verses 3 to 6: “But thou art holy, O' thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were de­ livered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people” (vs. 3-6). The holiness of God forbade Him to hear the cry of the Sufferer on the cross. Though that Sufferer was His own Son, and though the Son was doing the will of God in His suffering, yet the holy God could not look upon His own Lamb because that Lamb was there as a sin offering, and upon Him was laid the crushing burden of the sin of the world. The holy God cannot look upon sin with any degree of al­ lowance, and on the cross the Son of God was made sin for us, though He knew no sin, that we might be made the righteous­ ness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21). This is a point that should be understood clearly. Jesus of Nazareth hung on the cross not as the Son of God, though of course He was the Son of God, and is. He hung there, however, as the embodiment of the world’s sin. He hung there as “ a worm, and no man.” It was from this em­ bodiment of sin that the holy God turned away. In that moment the problem of Bildad the

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