King's Business - 1937-08

For the LORD’S SAKE T has been m y portion in life to undertake difficult tasks. Every call that has been a c­ cepted has been a challenge. In one instance it was a matter o f lifting a large church debt. In another instance it was the problem of

section of China. Our official magazine goes into at least 32,000 homes scattered throughout all the states of the Union and many foreign countries. Biola stands for the old Book and the old faith in a time of apostasy, and each member of the faculty and each member of the Board of Trustees is required to sign our doctrinal statement every year. Biola stands for aggressive evan­ gelism and deep spirituality. Biola is a lighthouse whose rays touch every continent and the islands of the sea. Biola is the outstanding bulwark against modernism and communism on the Pacific Coast. The devil hates Biola. H e has tried to destroy it. For Biola to go down w ould be on e o f the greatest catastrophes that cou ld befall the cause o f Christ in Am erica. Such a disaster w ould bring jo y to every atheist^ modernist, and communist in the w orld. It

building a church. In other instances it was the neces­ sity o f lifting churches out of the slough o f despond. The most difficult task that ever has been given to me is the one in which 1 am n ow engaged. It was not easy to accep t the call to Biola. I was happy in my church which was treating me graciously. Th e church had given me a three-months' leave o f absence and had gathered a purse so that 1 could go to the Scandi­ navian countries for a series o f large tent campaigns. Reports o f the gracious w orkin g o f the Spirit o f G od in this region had stirred my heart, and I yearned to go.

w ould be a victory fo r the devil and all his cohorts. BUT BIOLA IS NO T GOING DOW N ! G od is goin g to save Biola. H ow ? THROUGH HIS PEOPLE. We are asking God for 50,000 intercessors who will pray daily for Biola. Will you be one of them? We are ask­ ing God for 50,000 people who will give regularly to Biola. Will you be one of them? We need large gifts. It may be that some of the Lord’s stew­ ards who are reading this let­ ter could send $1,000 or $500 or $100. If so, ask God to show you what to do, and do

The call from Biola had to be given prayerful consideration. A fter waiting before the Lord in quietness and at the con clu ­ sion o f a night o f prayer, the answer cam e. 1 had to go. It was not easy to give up a w on ­ derful pastorate and the p ro ­ posed European tour, for which the ticket had been purchased and all the preparations made. I realized that my new task was a stupendous one, but 1 could not possibly realize how stu­ pendous. Th e burdens o f Biola are simply staggering. T o keep two interdenom inational schools going in a time like this is not

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

what He tells you. However, gifts in these larger amounts are comparatively rare. The continuance of the work at Biola is made possible by those who give $1.00 at a time. Will you give at least $1.00 a month? If every one of you will do that, the ministry of Biola can continue unabated. For the Lord's sake, for the sake of world evangelization, for the sake of perishing souls, I ask you to pray and give, that Biola may con­ tinue to labor for Christ and the salvation of souls. W ill you write me a; letter? If ever I have needed friends, prayer warriors, and supporters in the w ork o f the Lord, it is now . The Lord bless you and re­ ward you !

easy under the best o f circum stances. I have inherited problem s that are insurmountable from the human standpoint. It is on ly through the grace of G od and the prayers o f His people that I am sustained and not broken down physically. I am putting heart and sou] apd every ou n ce o f strength that I have into this enter­ prise. W h y? I believe Biola should be preserved. It is training four hundred or more young people in its day school, and many others in the evening school. Through the correspondence school and the Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, still other hun­ dreds are reached. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is an institution that is world-wide in its vision, in­ fluence, and task. Our students are being trained and encouraged to win souls while they are yet in school. One-half of the members of the graduating class this year are looking forward to work in the regions be­ yond, and all the others are longing to function for Christ here at home. The Hunan Bible Institute is the center of evangelism in an important and influential

Faithfully yours,


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