King's Business - 1937-08

August, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Ten Delightful Days for the Whole Family Read the accompanying program for the Third Annual Summer Bible Conference of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door, to be held at the Pacific Palisades, Calif., August 28 to September 6, and note how activities are planned for all the family. The Pacific Pali­ sades is a restful spot nestled among the oaks in a canyon between the sea and mountains, only twenty miles from Los Angeles, and yet suffi­ ciently secluded so that one can enjoy a most healthful, restful, and purposeful vacation. Tent houses and cottages available at moderate prices.

Special Events for Young People

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 9 :30 a . m . The Golden Incense Altar.— John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . M is s io n a ry H ou r.—South America Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Cross and Victory.—A. T. O'Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message. — Louis T. Talbot. 9 :30 a . m . The Ark and Its Mercy Seat. —John A. Hubbard. 10 :30 A.M. Missionary Hour.—Home Mis­ sions Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Risen, Interceding Christ and Victory.—A. T. O'Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message.—Louis T. Talbot. 9:30 a . m . Sunday School. 11:00 a . m . Morning Worship Period.— Bishop C. F. Derstine. 4:00 p . m . The Coming of Christ and Victory.—A. T. O’Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Evangelistic Message. — Louis T. Talbot. 9:30 a . m . The Day of Atonement.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . M issio n a ry Hour.—World- Wide Missions Day. 4 :00 p . m . Mass Meeting.—Paul W. Rood. For the Children A complete and varied program is being ar­ ranged by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hooker and the Children’s Special Service Mission. The daily schedule will be as follows, Sundays ex­ cepted : Morning Period 9:00-10:15 Opening Session* including worship service,’ music period, Bible drill, memory work, “ Trip T h ro u g h Palestine,” glimpses through the Bible, and special features such as chalk talks, object lessons, and the Scripturegraph. 10:15-10:45 Class period with groups for all ages, from B e g in n e rs •through Intermediates, will be held with specially trained children’s workers in charge. 10:45-11:15 General Assembly, songs, spe­ cial missionary messages, and story telling. Afternoon Period Most of these meetings will be held on the sand at the foot of Temescal Canyon. 2:00- 3:30 Special features every day, in­ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6.

General Program 8 :45- 9 :15 A.M. Prayer and Praise Service. 9:15- 9:30 a . m . Song Service. 9 :30-10:20 a . m . Bible Study Hour.—John A. Hubbard. 10:20-ll :15 a . m . Missionary Hour. 11:15- 4 :00 p . m . Free Time. . 4 :00- 5 :00 p . m . Victorious Life.—Charles G. Trumbull and A. T. O’Rear. 5:00- 7:00 p . m . Dinner and Free Time. 7 :00- 7 :50 p . m . Young People's Victory Circle. 7 :50- 9 :00 p . m . Evangelistic ^Message and De­ cision Service. — Oswald 'J. Smith and Louis T. Talbot. 9:15-10 :00 p . m . Young People's Fireside Fel­ lowship. Conference Director—William G. Nyman. Conference Song Leader—Woodrow Rood. Conference Pianist—Gordon Hooker. Daily Program fo r Adults and Yottng People SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. 7 :50- 9 :00 p . m . Opening Conference Message. Louis T. Talbot. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 9 :30 a . m . Sunday School, with Regular Departments and Classes. 11:00 a . m . Morning Worship Period. The Most Important Truth in the Bible.— Oswald J. Smith. 4 :00 p . m . H ow Much Victory Can We Have?—Charles G. Trumbull. 7:50 p . m . Prophetic Message.—Louis T. Talbot. MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 9 :30 a . m . The General Plan of the Tab­ ernacle.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—China Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Secret of Surrender.— Charles G. Trumbull. 7 :50 p . m . Saving Faith or What It Means to Believe.—Oswald J. Smith. 9 :30 a . m . The Brazen Altar.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—Africa Day. 4 :00 p . m . The Faith for Victory.— Charles G. Trumbull. ^ 7 :50 p . m . Salvation vs. Religion or Which Church Saves ?—Os­ wald J. Smith. 9:30 a . m . The Laver.— John A. Hub­ bard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—India Day. 4:00 p . m . Can Victory be Maintained?— . Charles G. Trumbull. 7 :50 p . m . The Question That Settles Destiny.—Oswald J. Smith. 9 :30 a . m . The Table of Shewbread and the Golden Candlestick.—John A. Hubbard. 10:30 a . m . Missionary Hour.—Mexico and Central America Day. 4 :00 p . m . Jesus Is Victor. — A. T. O’Rear. 7 :50 p . m . Five Solemn Facts or the Un­ pardonable Sin.—Oswald J. Smith. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.

The young people's program is under the general supervision of Elmer Olson« For the morning and afternoon sessions and the 7 :50 to 9 :00 evening service, the young people will meet with the adults. The program for the special young people's Victory Circle and Fire­ side Fellowship is as follows:

V ictory Circle Them e “Choose Ye the Way”

SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Songs and choruses, get-ac­ quainted time, introductory message by Elmer Olson. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye The Way —Salva­ tion.—Cecil Jeffrey. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship | around MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Conse­ cration.—Don Hillis. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Bible Study.—Dudley Girod. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fellowship on the Beach. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Prayer. —Don Hillis. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Serv­ ice.—George Jackson. ! 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Loy­ alty.-—Roy Creighton. 9:15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in All of Life.—S. H. Sutherland. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fellowship Meeting and “ Sing” on the Beach. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 7 :00- 7 :45 p . m . Choose Ye the Way in Social . Conduct.—Dan Gilbert. 9 :15-10:00 p . m . Fireside Fellowship. DAILY FROM 12:30-4:00 p . m . the camp fire, including “ sing,” newly m em orized Scripture verses, message im­ pressions.

cluding Scripture writing in the sand, Bible and mission­ ary stories worked out in the sand, treasure hunt, parades, demonstrations, and other di­ rected recreation and activi­ ties.

Baseball, horseshoes, swim­ ming, badminton, tennis, and other outdoor sports. Golf courses are available in the vicinity of the Palisades.

For fu r th e r in fo rm a tion write to: THE B IBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Extension Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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