Case Barnett Law - B2B - July 2018




TOOLS Every business needs marketing and sales to grow. Your side hustle is no different. It takes an active focus on best practices to find not just any client, but the right client. While sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and TaskRabbit can provide excellent avenues for you to contract work, you need to establish a client base of your own in order to be an effective freelancer. The only way to do this is by promoting yourself using marketing tools like social media, email, mailers, event promotions, and postings. PASSION There will be times when your freelance work feels like more than you can handle. When that happens, only your passion will get you through. Don’t take work you aren’t especially excited about. A side hustle can be used mainly for monetary gain, but according to the same study by the Freelancers Union, 63 percent of independent workers take on jobs by choice, not necessity. Freelance work is not just for creative types. Studies boldy predict that a majority of workers will freelance by 2027. With these three tips, you’ll have a solid foundation for becoming a part of the movement.

The “gig economy” has slowly been gaining prominence among American workers. Late last year, the Freelancers Union released results of a study showing that 36 percent of the American workforce operates in a freelance capacity. Since 2014, the freelance market has grown three times faster than the overall workforce. Businesses are outsourcing specialized tasks to independent workers, which creates incredible opportunities. If you’re looking to start a side hustle, here are three essentials for conquering the freelance market. COMMITMENT Since freelance work is done outside your regular working hours, it requires an additional level of dedication to follow through with your tasks. It’s important to block out defined hours specifically for working on your side gigs and keep those consistent. Many independent workers who have children or are involved in active social groups can find it challenging to prioritize freelance work. Try treating your personal projects like your job. When you arrive home, approach your freelance work as if it is your business — because it is.

SUCCESS STORY “Look no further! We all have preconceived ideas about lawyers, but when our child was involved in a traumatic accident in California — 1,000 miles away from home — we needed help. We needed someone who could help us in understanding specific legal details and insurance issues involved in California, and even more importantly, someone who would be an advocate for our child and help get life back to normal. an outstanding and caring legal team in Southern California to help you with an accident or personal injury situation, call Case Barnett.” –Terri

We were very fortunate to find Case Barnett. He and his team were immediately there for our child, assisting in all of the details big and small necessary to deal with the difficulties following an accident. Our relief was immediate and incredible that we’d found someone who cared about our child’s well- being first and foremost, and who was going to help us ‘make it right’ again. If you’re in need of

This publication is intended to educate the general public about personal injury and elder abuse. It is not intended to be legal advice. Every case is different.

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