
Original Group Revolutionary genetics! ✓ Widest color range in mandevilla ✓ Outstanding garden performance ✓ Disease resistant ✓ Grow as bush or train to trellis

Pink Sunmandecripi

Cream Pink Sunparapibra

Classic, rich dark pink adds tropical punch. Think of it as lipstick for your landscapes.

Excellent choice for lighter color schemes. A European favorite to use in combinations

The original Sun Parasols have the widest color range, including the first stable dark red and crimson, shades of pink, white and novelties. Plants are natural climbers and suitable for patio containers, hanging baskets, balconies, bedding and even as a house plant.

Dark Red Sunparabeni Beautiful rich red that is deeper in color than Crimson.

White Sunparacoho

Excellent branching. No color range is complete without a good white. Mix with Garden Crimson for high- contrast baskets.

Crimson Sunmandecrim This vivid color is so

beautiful and universally desirable, it has become the iconic image of the Sun Parasol brand.

Stars & Stripes ® Sunparasuji Everyone loves this patriotic novelty, which was named Favorite New Flowering Plant when it was introduced at the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition. Distinctive white stripes streak out from the center of bright red blossoms.



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