UTAS Personal Safety & Security on campus

When to Evacuate • If there is an internal threat to safety or life • If you hear a fire alarm • If told to evacuate by a member of the Emergency Response Team or responding Emergency Services or warden in a Student Living Community. How to Evacuate • Remain calm • Turn off anything that may become a hazard if unsupervised (e.g. laboratory equipment, cooking appliances etc.) • Do not use the lift • Direct students and visitors to the nearest safest exit • If in a lab, follow any quarantine or biohazard regulations • Make a final check of the room and shut the door • Lead students and visitors to the nearest safe assembly area. • Account for your group. Notify the emergency response team or Safety and Security at the Evacuation Assembly Area if anyone is missing or requiring first aid • Remain at the Evacuation Assembly Area until instructed by the Emergency Response Team, Safety and Security or Emergency Services.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) should be created for you if you require additional assistance during an evacuation. PEEPs are designed in consultation with the Building Chief Warden of the building and/or Student Living Community in which you are primarily based and with assistance from Disability Support staff where appropriate. If you have a PEEP, please consider informing your colleagues so that they can provide the best assistance to you in the event an evacuation is required. EVACUATIONS An evacuation is the movement of building occupants outside to a safer location because there is an internal threat.


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