Programme for NL Delegation vist to DK Nov 2023

DBDH publishes Hot Cool, but the main business is helping cities or regions in their green transition. We will help you find specific answers for a sustainable district heating solution or integrate green technology into an existing district heating system in your region – for free! Any city, or utility in the world, can call DBDH and find help for a green district heating solution suitable for their city. A similar system is often operating in Denmark, being the most advanced district heating country globally. DBDH then organizes visits to Danish reference utilities or expert delegations from Denmark to your city. For real or virtually in webinars or web meetings. DBDH is a non-profit organization - so guidance by DBDH is free of charge. Just call us. We'd love to help you district energize your city!

Netherland Network Companies Visit to District Heating Denmark November 9 th – 10 th , 2023 in Denmark


Netherland Visit to Denmark November 9 th – 10 th 2023

The Danish Embassy and DBDH invites a group of network companies from the Netherlands to visit Denmark for a study tour to Danish DH companies and to meet with the Danish DH industry. The network companies are already operating several DH networks and they are looking into considerable expansions of their role in the district heating sector in the Netherlands. The intention with the 2-day visit is to highlight the role of district heating in the Danish energy system. The focus will be on and how district heating systems help reduce problems related to over- and underproduction of renewable electricity and network congestion in an energy system with very high penetration of wind- and solar power. In Denmark the district heating systems often have a variety of heat sources integrating both electricity production (CHP) and consumption (Heat pumps and e-boilers) in their production of heat. Combined with a large thermal storage capacity, the mix of heat sources facilitate both load shifting and peak shaving reducing the need to expand electricity networks. The visit will involve 4-5 Danish district heating facilities having a large degree of system integration in their current production and/or future.

The visit to Denmark Thursday November 9 th

Driving Plan

Time (DK) Where



Bus from Copenhagen Airport to Vestforbrænding (TBC) (0h:45min) Visit to Vestforbrænding DHC, CPH (TBC) Ejby Mosevej 219, 2600 Ejby /Søren Løgstrup Hansen Drive towards Fjernvarme Fyn (2h:45min) On the way: Site visit to Heat Pit Storage (70,000 m3) /Astrid Birnbaum Bondehøjvej/Klevehøjvej, Taastrup Co-host: Aalborg CSP Visit to Fjernvarme Fyn DH Company Havnegade 120 5000 ODENSE C DH marketplace – an interactive workshop (3 x 30 min. in smaller groups) Renewable Heat Production - Aalborg CSP & MAN ETES Optimization of DH Network - Grundfos & Logstor-Kingspan Digital heating solutions - EMD and Pernexus Drive to Hotel Ansgar, Odense (0h:15min) + site visit /Jakob Rasmussen


Transmission company, 2050 Heating Plan for Greater Copenhagen, DH Vestforbrænding - DBDH Sandwich on the bus The function of a heat pit storage in Copenhagen New heat storage pit must be re- and discharged 25 times annually - DBDH Away from coal – how? Conversion of gas customers to DH Interaction between heat and the power market Fjernvarme Fyn - DBDH We invite everyone to bring up a theme to be discussed during the marketplace. Alternatively, we will fit in your theme to be discussed during one of the visits.





Netherland Visit to Denmark November 9 th – 10 th 2023


Arrival at Milling Hotel Ansgar, Odense Østre Stationsvej 32, 5000 Odense ansgar


Walk to restaurant Bacchus


Networking Dinner Restaurant Bacchus Vestergade 5, 5000 Odense C

Restaurant Bacchus

Friday November 10 th Time (DK) Where

Driving plan


07.20 07.30

Check out hotel – ready to depart Drive to Assens District Heating Company (1h00 min) Assens DH Company Stejlebjergvej 4 5610 Assens + site visit /Marc Roar Hintze Drive to Energinet (0h50min) Energinet + Lunch Tonne Kjærsvej 65, 7000 Fredericia /Peter Markussen Drive to Sønder Felding DH (1h20m)

Departure from Hotel in Odense


The inter connection between the power market and DH. Biomass, solar PV, heat pump,

storage, gas-conversions Assens Fjernvarme - DBDH

10.30 11.30

The role of DH in the power sector? Energinet EN

13.30 15.00

Sønder Felding DH Company Bjergevej 33, 7280 Sønder Felding Co-host: Fenagy + site visit /Tonny Dam Jensen Drive to Billund Airport (0h45min)

How DH companies primarily use heat pumps and electrical boilers and thereby support the power market Forside (

16.30 17.15 18.40

Arrival Billund Airport

Departure flight to Amsterdam

Netherland Visit to Denmark November 9 th – 10 th 2023


The purpose of this event is to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences between Denmark and the NL on district heating, establish and grow networks among the participants and be inspired by new solutions. Content At each site the manager of the DH plant will share their experience and participants are invited to interact. Where relevant a workshop will be made on specific topics– inspired by requests from the participants. During the visits and at the longer workshop Thursday afternoon both the Danish companies are invited to give introduction to their solutions and challenges to be discussed among every participant. Please let Lars know of you interest in taking part in the workshops – and we will organise that during either one of the visits or during the District Heating Marketplace . Participants The participants will be a mix of board decision makers and DH practitioners from Dutch network companies, who already operates district heating network or have plans to do so. From the Danish side representatives from the Danish Energy Agency, managers from DH companies and industry representatives will take part. And off course your hosts Mikkel from the Danish Embassy in den Haag and Lars from DBDH.

Travel All participants are expected to be in Copenhagen for the morning start November 9 th arriving no later than 9am in Copenhagen Airport. The program will finish at Billund Airport Friday afternoon at 17.15.

CPH AIRPORT - Locating your coach Welcome to Copenhagen - locate you coach Step-by-Step

Step 1


Go through customs area to the arrival hall

Step 2


Turn right for "Charter buses"

Step 3


Exit through the glass doors

Step 4

Go straight forward to the busparking area


Step 5

Look for a VIKINGBUS coach with your signboard in the front


Overview of CPH arrival hall area

Bus Parking Area

Netherland Visit to Denmark November 9 th – 10 th 2023



Netherland Visit to Denmark November 9 th – 10 th 2023

Participants Name

Company NL


Company DK

Daan Schut

Alliander Alliander Alliander BNG Bank BNG Bank Capturam

Marc Roar Hinze Peter Markussen Jakob Rasmussen Astrid Biernbaum Tonny Dam Jensen

Assens Fjernvarme

Rob van der Horst


Walter Bien

Fjernvarme Fyn

Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme Sønder Felding Varmeværk

Leo Valkenburg Pieter Oppermann Evelien Brederode Richard Lohuis Herman Exalto Mark Hooftman Sijtze Brandsma Jeroen Sanders Daniël Awater Marinus Boogerd

Jannik Lindén Rune Nielsen

Vestforbrænding Vestforbrænding Vestforbrænding



Søren Løgstrup Hansen Bue Rømer Tiedemann Lasse Juul Henriksen Andreas Sejr Andersen Lars Hummelmose Mikkel Vibæk Jensen

Danish Energy Agency Danish Energy Agency Danish Energy Agency

Energie Samen

Enexis Enpuls


Invest NL Invest NL

Embassy of Denmark in NL

Max Verbaas

Simon Brøndum Andersen EMD

Frank Binnekamp


Ebbe Nørgaard Nico Verdonck Maurice Rutte


Koen Verbogt David Peters




Kingspan-Logstor Kingspan-Logstor Kingspan-Logstor

Ruud Bos


Peter Jorsal

Pieter van Poelje

Jeroen Dieter Michiels

MAN ETES Pernexus Aalborg CSP

Mette Leiholt

Andreas Zourellis

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