Richards House Booklet 2025

Adrenaline auto-injectors (EpiPens)

– Parents need to ensure their son has recovered and been symptom free for 48 hours, prior to him coming back into boarding. If your son has been away from College unwell he will be given a quick health check at the Health Centre to confirm no signs of illness, before returning to his boarding House. He will need to return to College during the school day to enable this to happen. If your son does take ill or has an injury while at home on weekend leave, we would expect that parents seek any required medical assistance and communicate with their son’s Housemaster or Matron regarding when it is appropriate for him to return to the boarding House.

Parents of students with anaphylaxis must provide two anaphylaxis kits containing an adrenaline auto-injector, antihistamine medication and an action plan. One kit is held by the student and should be taken to school each day and the second is stored in the allocated box in the Master on Duty office. The Health Centre has additional EpiPens in case of an emergency. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that the EpiPens are kept up-to-date and do not expire. Any changes to medical records should be communicated through the Health Centre at the time of the change. Illness and Infection Hygiene continues to be a significant part of keeping on top of any illness. This includes boys maintaining a high standard of handwashing and sanitising, as well as coughing and sneezing etiquette. Our health guidelines are based on normal health procedures as well as Ministry of Health expectations and important points to note here include: – A boarder should notify House staff at the first sign that they feel unwell – If a boarder becomes unwell, his parents must be in a position to take him home or to a local relative or friend as soon as is practically possible – We will look to evacuate students quickly if they display gastrointestinal symptoms, influenza and Covid-19 symptoms.


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