Richards House Booklet 2025



All main meals are served in the Dining Hall each day, and the boys receive morning and afernoon teas, and supper in the House. Additional supplies like milk, bread and spreads are available in each of the boarding Houses. The Boarding Committee with the Head of Boarding and the Deputy Principal – Student Care meet with the catering staff to consider feedback and to make appropriate changes if necessary. Boys are expected to attend all meals during the week except by prior arrangement with a member of the boarding staff. Boys requiring a late dinner because of sports training or co-curricular activities need to complete the appropriate form in the Dining Hall by lunchtime each day.

The Christ’s College Uniform Shop sells new and second-hand uniforms as well as stationery and some toiletries. It is located at 10 Gloucester Street. Manager: Craig Moffatt Phone: 03 364 8613 Email: Formal Uniform The formal uniform consists of the grey suit and white shirt. It is worn on a Monday and Friday during Terms 2 and 3, and for Sunday Chapel services. Stripes Blazer Uniform This uniform consists of a striped blazer, white shirt, and mid-grey long trousers or charcoal grey walk shorts (summer). It is worn on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Term 2 and 3 and every day during summer. It is also worn for any sport exchanges. Sports Gear All Houses have their own colours for athletics and interhouse sports. There is no regulation footwear for PE and athletics, but all boys must wear footwear around the school or when running in the park.

21 – Christ’s College Richards House

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