Richards House Booklet 2025

Electronic Devices


Electronic devices are a significant part of a student’s life. However, it is important that they are used appropriately. Email and the Internet All boys will have a school-issued email address (for example, to send and receive emails. Boys have wireless connections in the boarding Houses and can connect their computers to the school network. There is a photocopier in each House to print off work after hours and at weekends. Mobile phones Boys are permitted and encouraged to have a mobile phone. However, several conditions apply within the boarding community: – Phones are to be kept secure at all times – The boy’s phone number must be given to his Housemaster, Matron and Duty Phone – The Housemaster, Matron and Duty Phone numbers must be on his phone – The phone remains switched on while on day or weekend leave – All boys in Years 9–11 will be allocated a pigeon hole in a device storage cupboard. They must hand in electronic devices 30 minutes before bed time. (This includes gaming devices, phones, iPads, iPods and computers.) Failure to do so will result in confiscation. There are separate policies for the use of electronic devices at College during the school day.

Your son is responsible for the safekeeping of his own possessions. He will be given two padlocks at the beginning of the year (one for his wardrobe and one for his downstairs locker). This provides him with two secure areas to store any valuables. Points to note: – Matrons should hold important documents, such as travel tickets and passports, for safekeeping – It is recommended that little or no money be kept in your son’s area. It may be useful to open a cash card (EFTPOS) account for your son to cover any extra items during the school year – If a credit card is able to be accessed by your son it is the parents responsibility to monitor this. The use of Lime scooters, Uber and Uber Eats all need to be monitored by the parents as they require credit card details to be activated – Mobile phones, iPods, stereo systems and valuables should be kept secure at all times – All personal belongings should be secured during periods of overnight or weekend leave. Please note, the school’s insurance policy does not cover the loss or damage to personal property brought into the residential community. Expensive items, i.e. devices or laptops, – must be covered by personal insurance.

23 – Christ’s College Richards House

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