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Volume 4 • No. 33 • 8 pages • CORNWALL, ON • JULY 2 JUILLET, 2014

23,000 COPIES

Un spectacle qui régale The Social, ancienne église maintenant transformée en vraie scène théâtrale, a accueilli plus d’une quarantaine de francophones lors de la présentation de L’autre histoire de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste . La pièce, écrite par Mélanie Bennett, explique les multiples représentations de la fête nationale. À lire en page 2

21 acts for Arts in the Park

Cornwall’s colourful history interpreted

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Much more than a comedy


21 acts for Arts in the Park


C ORNWALL | The City of Cornwall’s popu- lar Arts in the Park series is set to return this summer with 21 different concerts. This year’s schedule includes a mix of new and returning performers, along with the return of the popular outdoor movie in the park, on July 19. “I’m excited about the line-up we’ve se- cured this year,” said Lorne Taillon, Leisure Arts Coordinator. “We have something for all musical tastes, and the outdoor movie is always a popular night.” The series, now in its 29 th season, gets underway with performances by Seaway Winds on Wednesday, June 25 and Bruce Ciccarelli on June 26. It continues on select evenings throughout July and August and wraps up with a final performance by Gra- ham Greer on Wednesday, August 20. The free events are held at the Lion’s Club Bandshell in Lamoureux Park and evening performances begin at 7 p.m. Parking is

Photo Francis Racine

SeawayWinds started off the 29 th season of the popular Arts in the Park series.

2014 Arts in the Park Line-up June 25 Seaway Winds

available behind the bandshell and at the neighbouring Cornwall Civic Complex. To help offset the costs of the free pro- gram, the City is currently seeking sponsors for the 2014 Arts in the Park season. Com- panies can sponsor the event and receive

recognition. “Corporate sponsorships and individual donations are crucial to providing this free entertainment to the community,” said Tail- lon. Additional information on Arts in the Park 2014 is available at

DenisGroulx 418BaldwinAve. Cornwall, ONK6H4J9

June 26

Bruce Ciccarelli

Un spectacle multidisciplinaire qui fait régaler

Tel: 613-933-4757 Cell: 613-870-2215

July 2

Seaway Winds

July 3

Roxanne Delage


July 15


July 16

Seaway Winds

July 20 (2 pm)


Professional Live Theatre in Morrisburg, Ontario

July 22

Moe Lemieux Quartet

July 28

Mike McAnany

– July 3 to 27 – The L adies F oursome Hilarious sequel to The Foursome by Norm Foster

July 29 Grace Willison Lauren Mann & The Fairly Odd Folk

July 30

Seaway Winds

July 31

Winston Marley

August 5

Michael Taiger

August 6

Studio C Dancers

Photo Francis Racine

August 7

Ruby Tuesday Dixie Band

The Social, ancienne église maintenant transformée en vraie scène théâtrale, a ac- cueilli plus d’une quarantaine de francophones lors de la présentation de L’autre His- toire de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste . La pièce, écrite par Mélanie Bennett, explique les mul- tiples représentations de la fête nationale. Avec l’aide de L’Amalgame, Mme Bennett a su plaire au public, par l’entremise de chants, danses et performances théâtrales. Le spectacle multidisciplinaire englobait plusieurs artistes talentueux, dont la troupe de théâtre de L’Amalgame, la troupe de danse Dans ce corps et deux musiciens, Moise Lasata et Philippe St-Arnaud. «C’est une soirée spéciale de festivités, s’est exclamé Robert Perron, président de L’Amalgame. Bravo à tous, puisque nous avons tout construit en moins d’un mois.» La fin de la pièce a été marquée par une danse géné- rale ainsi qu’un léger goûter.

August 12

Carey Grant

Tickets: 613-543-3713 toll free: 1-877-550-3650 or

August 13

Alison Wonderland

August 14

The Shiners

August 19

Les Bons Vivants


Johnson’s Antiques ~ CORNWALL ~

August 20

Graham Greer

Spectacle à Rose des Vents

Cornwall’s colourful history interpreted  gđŏ

an elephant could swim. They raised $100 to entice the circus folks to let Mr. Elephant swim. He went into the water and immedi- ately started for Cornwall Island. After try- ing in vain to turn him around, the elephant pushed through the boats and continued on to freedom on the island. It took a lot of effort to get him back to Cornwall and the circus decided never to return again. But, it did just one more time... When Cornwall’s young boys learned that the circus parade led by elephants was go- ing to pass through Cornwall in the dark of night, they hit upon a scheme to see them by scattering a bunch of potatoes along the


CORNWALL | The Cornwall Community Museum teamed up with Your Arts Coun- cil and the Dans/Ce Corps in order to cel- ebrate Cornwall’s rich history and beauti- ful waterfront. Together, they presented a series of historic waterfront walking tours with a twist. The Great Elephant Walk offered a new take on Cornwall history by pairing walk- ing tours with unique dance interpreta-

tions of four his- toric events from Cornwall’s past. The dances were done by members of: Dans/Ce Corps , a dance collective run by Amanda Marini- Rohde and Mela- nie Bennett under the umbrella of the Cornwall School of Dance. “With this event, we’re hoping to at- tract a new audi-

Photo fournie

Les élèves de l’école Rose des Vents ont eu le privilège de voir et entendre un spec- tacle très original le mois dernier. Tous les élèves de la 2 e à la 6 e année ont assisté à un merveilleux chef-d’œuvre du groupe Buzz Cuivre, spectacle également humoris- tique. Petits et grands sont tous sortis du gymnase avec le sourire aux lèvres.

Photo Francis Racine

The Cornwall Community Museum

ence and bring our past to life in a unique way,” said Ian Bowering, curator of the Corn- wall Community Museum. “Cornwall has such a rich and storied history to celebrate.” The event took place on June 21, and was repeated on June 28 in Lamoureux Park. The second stage of the event will start at 1 p.m. at Pommier Square (Pitt and Second Streets) with two more dances followed by a walking tour of Pitt Street. The story behind the Great Elephant Walk The inspiration for the event’s name comes from one of the many colourful sto- ries from Cornwall’s past that will be inter- preted through dance. In the 19 th century, circuses were quite popular in Ontario, and Cornwall was no ex- ception. On one occasion, in order to keep the circus in Cornwall a bit longer, people thought it would be fun to see how well .+%/%t)!ŏ)* 0ŏ ,+1.ŏ+ŏ %(#!.ĕ Le maire de Cornwall, Bob Kilger, es- père obtenir un troisième mandat lors des prochaines élections municipales, le 27 octobre prochain. Élu maire en 2004, M. Kilger a été ensuite réélu en 2010. Jusqu’ici, seule une autre personne, soit Jamie Gilcig, s’est portée candidat à la mairie. La date limite pour soumettre sa candidature est le 12 septembre.

road into town. Then they hid and watched. Around 2 a.m., the sound of wheels was heard as the parade approached Corn- wall along Second Street. There was the elephant striding along between several strings of wagons. Suddenly he stopped, and began feeling about the road with his trunk. He struck a potato. The keeper did ev- erything he could to get the elephant mov- ing, but the elephant began a slow zig-zag course along the road, fearful of missing a single potato. The upshot was that the cir- cus entered Cornwall, long after daybreak and the people of Cornwall got to see the circus free of charge. In addition to the Great Elephant Walk, the dancers showcased stories about Corn- wall’s early Loyalist settlers, the old neigh- bourhood of Smithville near the Domtar paper mill and the women workers of Corn- wall’s cotton mills.

PREVENT LYME DISEASE! The number and range of blacklegged ticks that carry Lyme disease is increasing in Eastern Ontario. This summer, protect yourself against tick bites and lower your risk of becoming infected with Lyme disease. To learn more about Lyme disease and how to prevent it, visit and click on the Lyme Disease app , or call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line. PRÉVENEZ LA MALADIE DE LYME! Le nombre et l’étendue des tiques à pattes noires, porteuses de la maladie de Lyme, augmente dans l’est de l’Ontario. Cet été, protégez-vous contre les morsures de tiques et réduisez le risque d’infection par la maladie de Lyme. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur la maladie de Lyme et comment la prévenir, visitez le et cliquez sur l’application La maladie de Lyme , ou appelez au 613-933-1375 ou au 1 800 267-7120 et demandez la ligne Appel-santé.


40th Annual General Meeting for the CMHA

United Way turns 70 CORNWALL | The UnitedWay of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry is celebrating its 70 th anniversary with a traditional family pic- nic in Lamoureux Park, on July 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. “We have been caring about the community since 1944,” said Lori Greer, executive director of the United Way of SD&G.“It is reason to celebrate and without our loyal donors, business leaders and citizens, this anniversary would not have been possible.”

rectors of the UnitedWay of SD&G is thrilled to host this family event as a symbol of our thanks,” said Danny Aikman, United Way board president. “It’s a day where we can all come togeth- er to celebrate.” The United Way has been serving the community since 1944 under a number of different names, including the Community Chest. The United Way is gov- erned by a local board of directors, who, along with UnitedWay staff and volunteers, help raise funds that assist 16 agencies and 19 programs throughout Cornwall and SD&G. The organization’s mission is to im- prove lives by working together with priori- ties focused on moving people from pov- erty to possibility, healthy people, strong communities and all that kids can be.

Residents are encouraged to attend the event and join in the celebration. The Ben- son Group will be hosting a barbecue and there will also be games, prizes, frozen treats and a photo area for pictures. It is a free event but free-will offerings will be most graciously accepted. “The board of di-

Much more than a comedy

Submitted photo

On June 23, the Cornwall Mental Health Association (CMHA) hosted its 40 th Annu- al General Meeting at its 329 Pitt Street office. The Annual Mental Health Service Award was presented, in recognition of the commitment and significant contribu- tions made to the mental health movement in the community. Raymond St-Ger- main, Tony Hall, Michael Amell, Thomas Hickey, Pierre Quenneville, Augusta Wad- dell, Karen Roach, Emily McBain and Louise Myre all received the award. Pictured are Mental Health promoters Angele D’Alessio and Michael Amell.

23 000 copies

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:

613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Julien Boisvenue, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles / News: Classées • Classified : Distribution :

Photo Francis Racine

Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.

A new play is in the works at the Seaway Valley Theater Company, and according to its director, Lacie Petrynka, it’s much more than a comedy. “I like to think of it as a dramady,” explained the smiling theater lover. “There are funny moments in it, but it also contains drama.”When Eddie’s mid life crisis hits, he escapes from his picture perfect family and establishes a swinging bachelor’s pad in New York City, complete with the sexy Miss Tush as his roommate. His new life is a success, so why is he cheat- ing on his wife? She has put her anger at his desertion behind her, done an emotional and physical make over and is moving on with her life. When Eddie is ready to go back home, will it be too late?With a stellar cast made up of Terry Mazerolle as Eddie, Jennifer Robinson as his wife and Melanie Samis as Miss Tush, local theater lovers can be sure that Marriage can be hazardous to your health will deliver. The play will be featured on July 18, 19, 24, 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. and July 20 at 1:30 p.m.

Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890

Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.

Breach A 14-year-old Cornwall youth was arrested on June 22 and charged with breaching his undertaking for not abiding by a curfew. It is alleged that on June 21 and 22, 2014, the youth failed to return home breaching his curfew conditions. Fail to attend for prints Julie Bilotta, 27, of Cornwall, was arrested on June 22 and charged with failing to attend for prints and breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on June 4 the woman failed to appear for prints as directed. Assault with a weapon, threats, possession of a weapon A 16-year-old and a 17-year-old Cornwall youth were arrested on June 22 and charged with assault with a weapon, threats to life and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. It is alleged that on June 22, while in the area of Ninth Street and Sydney Street, during an argument with a 17-year-old youth, both youths brandished a knife and threat- ened to stab the 17-year old. Break and enter, breach James Quinn, 30, of Cornwall, was arrested on June 22 and charged with break and enter and breach of recognizance and probation orders for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on June 22, the man gained entry into a Marlborough Street residence when he was confronted. Jonathan Deruchie, 40, and Jeffrey Leblanc, 24, both of Cornwall, were arrested on June 22 and charged with break and enter, theft under $5000 and breach of probation orders for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on June 22, the two men were stopped by mem- bers of the Cornwall Community Police service as the men were pushing two lawnmowers on Pitt Street.

Mischief A 28-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on June 19 and charged with mischief. It is alleged that on June 16, during an argument with his 28-year-old girlfriend, the man dam- aged a television with a stick. Theft under $5000 Lisa Sauv é , 26, of Cornwall, was arrested on June 19 and charged with theft under $5000. It is alleged that on June 19, the woman selected several items from a Water Street store and made no attempts to pay for them as she left. Ahmed El Karim, 32, of Cornwall, was arrested on June 22 and charged with theft under $5000. It is alleged that on June 22, 2014, the man attended a Brookdale Avenue depart- ment store and removed several items making no attempts to pay for them. Possession of stolen property, breach A 17-year old Cornwall youth was arrested on June 19 and charged with breaching his undertaking for being out past curfew, associating with someone he has conditions not to and failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on June 19, police attended a Second Street West apartment for an unrelated matter and found the man to be in the company of some- one he has conditions not to associate with. Trespass by night, possession of property obtained by crime Two 16-year-old youths and a 17-year-old youth from Cornwall were arrested on June 19 and charged with possession of stolen property while one of the 16-year-old youths was also charged with trespass by night. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of June 19, police attended the area of Second StreetWest in relation to a suspicious person’s call when they found the youths to be in possession of property that was removed from parked cars. Fail to attend Paul Kameka, 35, of Cornwall, was arrested on June 20 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the man failed to attend court on June 3 for drug related charges and a war- rant was issued for his arrest Trespass by night, attempt break and enter, mischief, breach A 57-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on June 20 and charged with attempt break and enter, mischief, trespass by night, breach of recognizance for communicating with his ex-wife and being within 30 meters of her. He was also charged with breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on June 20, the man attended his ex-wife’s residence and attempted to gain entry through a basement window causing the screen to be damaged. Attempt theft, breach Blake Atwell, 38, and Gail Atwell, 60, both of Cornwall, were arrested on June 21 and charged with attempt theft. Blake Atwell was also charged with breaching a probation or- der and undertaking for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on May 22, both at- tended a Ninth Street Store and selected several items making no attempts to pay for them as they exited the store. Breach A 42-year-old man and a 54-year-old man, both from Cornwall, were arrested on June 21 and charged with breaching their recognizance for communicating with someone that they have conditions not to. It is alleged that on June 21, police attended a Pitt Street ad- dress for a disturbance and while on scene, they located both men in the company of per- sons that they have conditions not to associate with. Assault, mischief A 29-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on June 21 and charged with assault and mis- chief. It is alleged that on June 21, during an argument with his 28-year-old common-law wife, the man damaged a kitchen table. The man then threw a video game controller strik- ing his common-law wife in the leg. Assault causing bodily harm, theft Chance Lafave,19, Spiros Tassakos,20, and Joel Gagnon-Leger,19, all from Cornwall, were arrested on June 22 and charged with assault causing bodily harm while Lafave was also charged with theft under $5000. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of June 22, the three men entered a Brookdale Avenue apartment and repeatedly hit a 21-year-old man that was known to them. During the assault the man’s cell phone was also taken by one of the men.




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Cornwall woman was arrested on June 24 and charged with assault. It is al- leged that on June 24, during an argu- ment, the woman struck and scratched her 21-year-old boy- friend. 33-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on June 25 and charged with assault and breach of undertaking for having consumed alcohol and failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of June 25, during an argument with his 54-year-old mother, the intoxicated man pushed her on sepa- rate occasions caus- ing her to sustain minor injuries. A

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x Minimum de trois (3) années d’expérience en santé mentale et/ou troubles concomitants x Doit posséder un permis de conduire valide et avoir accès à un véhicule pour se déplacer

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Epic Cycle travels through Cornwall

Submitted photo

Sun Life Financial’s second annual Epic Cycle for Diabetes tour made its way through Cornwall on June 24. The event aims at making a difference in the lives of over 9 million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes. Cyclists, all of them employees of Sun Life, stopped at the financial institution’s local branch on Second Street at around 2:30 p.m., having left Peterborough on June 23 and making their way to Chicoutimi. So far, the riders have raised $20,000 for the cause.



DU NOUVEAU DANS VOTRE RÉGION : Comme vous le savez sans doute, Sanimax et Machabee Farm Recycling & Trucking Inc. se sont associés et vous offrent depuis le mois d’avril le service de récupération d’animaux morts à la ferme. Dans le but de promouvoir la récupération des animaux morts à la ferme, c’est avec plaisir que Sanimax vous offre sa nouvelle promotion pour la récupération des bovins : POUR LA RÉCUPÉRATION D’UN BOVIN DE PLUS DE 400 KG. UN RABAIS DE PRÈS DE 25 % 94,95 $

NEW TO YOUR AREA! As you probably know, Sanimax and Machabee Farm Recycling & Trucking Inc. have partnered and have been offering on-the-farm deadstock collection services since April. To promote our on-the-farm deadstock collection, Sanimax is pleased to offer a new promotion for the collection of cows:


$94.95 for the collection of a cow weighing more than 400kg, a saving of almost 25% If a calf is collected with a cow weighing more than 400kg , no transportation or processing fee will be charged for the calf.


N.B. Si un veau est récupéré en même temps qu’un bovin de plus de 400 kg , aucun frais de transport ou de traitement ne vous seront facturés.

DE PLUS, POUR LES VEAUX Tarif de récupération pour 1 veau : 34,90 $

PLUS, FOR CALVES Collection for 1 calf: $34.90 Collection for 2 or more calves: $59.90 Note: All fees are subject to applicable taxes. Important: This fee will not apply to producers who have a large or unusual number of calves picked up.

Tarif de récupération pour 2 veaux et plus : 59,90 $ Note : Les taxes applicables s’ajoutent à tous ces tarifs. Important : Les producteurs faisant récupérer des amas ou des quantités inhabituelles de veaux ne pourront pas bénéficier de ce tarif.

Promotion pour Ontario seulement

Promotion for Ontario only

Vous receverez sous peu tous les détails de nos promotions par la poste. Pour en savoir plus sur nos autres services de récupération, communiquez avec notre service à la clientèle au 1.800.267.7178 .

Details of this promotion will be mailed to you shortly. To learn more about our other collection services, contact our customer service at 1.800.267.7178.


Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Elaine MacDonald Councillor / Conseillère City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Gérald E. Samson Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

David Murphy Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Syd Gardiner Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Denis Carr Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

André Rivette Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Glen Grant Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

Bob Kilger Mayor / Maire

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

and the councillors / et les conseillers-conseillères de la Ville de Cornwall / of the City of Cornwall

Bonne fête du Canada! Happy Canada Day!

Maurice Dupelle Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall

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