PIH Code of Ethics 2024


Phillips Infrastructure Holdings / PIH / Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Imagine This... One of my coworkers sends emails containing jokes and derogatory comments about certain nationalities. They make me uncomfortable, but no one else has spoken up about them. What should I do?

You should notify your Supervisor, Human Resources, or our Corporate Compliance and Ethics Officer. Sending these kinds of jokes violates our core

values as well as our policies that relate to the use of email and our standards on diversity, harassment, and discrimination. By doing nothing you are condoning discrimination and tolerating beliefs that can seriously erode the team environment we have all worked to create.

Harassment-free Workplace We all have the right to work in an environment that is free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse. Verbal or physical conduct by any employee that harasses another, disrupts another’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, offensive, abusive, or hostile work environment will not be tolerated. We Do Not Tolerate: • Threatening remarks, obscene phone calls, stalking, or any other form of harassment. • Intentionally damaging someone else’s property or acting aggressively in a manner that causes someone else to fear injury. • Threatening, intimidating, or coercing others on or off the premises – at any time, for any purpose.

Do What’s Right

• Help each other by speaking out when a coworker’s conduct makes others uncomfortable. • Never tolerate sexual harassment including requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. • Demonstrate professionalism. Do not visit inappropriate internet sites or display sexually explicit or offensive pictures. • Promote a positive attitude toward policies designed to build a safe, ethical, and professional workplace. • Report all incidents of harassment and intimidation that may compromise our ability to work together and be productive.

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