Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

Questions (continued) ing to this earth. The rapture does not bring Christ back to this world, but ushers in the tribulation which im­ mediately preceeds His millennial


Mr. Edwin Johnson has been appointed Biola Stewardship Representative for Biola to serve in the state of Washington. Mr. Johnson is a 1962 graduate of Biola College. Then there are His servants. There is only one prerequisite in beholding the majesty of the Lord, and that is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on Calvary. In this way you may be sure to see God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Q, Santa Barbara, California — “If you pray for something you want very Much and don’t get it, does it mean God knows what is better for you, and that you are not meant to have it?” A. It could mean exactly that. It also might mean that God knows it is bet­ ter for you not to have it at this par­ ticular time. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you never can have it, but the Father certainly knows what’s best for you. We should always pray, “If it be Thy will.” There are three ways the Lord answers prayer. Sometimes He says, “Yes,” other times, “No,” and still other instances He must say, “Wait a while.” This is a very realistic man­ ner in which to approach our entire 16

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