Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

so twisted up in his grammar, he had to stop in the middle of his message, bowed his head and prayed, “O Lord, can you possibly use an individual who can’t even speak correctly?” Only eter­ nity will fully reveal just how mar­ velously the Lord answered that peti­ tion of heart. God is not limited to those who use proper English. If he were, there would be many well edu­ cated individuals whose messages would be tremendous rather than be­ ing cold and lifeless. We must not limit God. On the other hand, we can be sym­ pathetic with this writer. We are con­ stantly endeavoring to instill in the minds of our students the need for the correct use of English, grammar and proper words. We would urge poten­ tial ministers to get all the training possible. If a preacher is already in a pastorate, perhaps he can enroll in an adult evening school class. Q. Panorama City, California — “Where does the spirit of the wicked dead go at death and how long does it stay there?” A. There are Several words which are translated “hell” in Scripture. These are Sheol (Hebrew), Hades and Ge­ henna (Greek). There is a difference in the meaning of these words. Sheol in the Old Testament and Hades in the New Testament are synonymous. They mean the abode of the dead. Hades was composed of two parts or compartments; the abode of the right­ eous dead (Paradise) and the abode of the unrighteous dead. When Jesus went to hell, “he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men” (Ephesians 4:8). Now, when a believer dies he goes to be with the Lord (absent from the body . . . present with the Lord). The un­ believers still await the final White Throne judgment of God. Following this they will 'be consigned to Hell, and the lake of fire that bumeth, for­ ever. Q. Oakland, California — “Was Daniel a prince before leaving Judah?” (continued on next page) 17

prayer life. Our heavenly Father has infinitely far more and better knowl­ edge as to what we need that we do ourselves. Q. Denver, Colorado — “Where in the Bible does it tell us that we should tithe? 1 have searched in vain through the New Testament and it does not seem to be there.” A. The entire truth concerning tithing is a very elaborate one. It is first given, without any commandment whatsoever, in Genesis 14:20. Abraham came back from the slaughter of the kings and gave tithes to Melchizedek, priest of the most high God. That truth is taken by the Spirit of God and commented on in Hebrews. In Genesis 28:22 there is another mention of giving tithes. Jacob makes this promise at Bethel. That promise has been often maligned. There was no legal requirement, how­ ever, for him to say anything, what­ soever. Then there are specific com­ mands concerning tithing. This was the means of supporting the priests and the central sanctuary in Jerusalem. Leviticus 27 gives some of the tithes mentioned. But in all the 27 books of the New Testament there is not a sin­ gle mention that the believer is to tithe. Some may then erroneously fol­ low, “Since there is no distinct word in the New Testament concerning tith­ ing, is it wrong for a believer to tithe?” The answer is a resounding, “NO!” It is wrong rather for a be­ liever to stop at merely the tithe as the Lord prospers him. Do not feel that the tithe is a legal matter. Certainly with the redemption accomplished we should give both tithes and offerings. Although not commanded then, the tithe is a good starting place. Q, Los Angeles, California — “We have a minister who is very fine and sin­ cere, however, his grammar is atro­ cious. If he had an education, he would be a tremendous man. Do you think that ministers should preach if they are not properly educated?” A. It was Dwight L. Moody who had very little education. One time he got

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