Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

parables and pearls (AS FEATURED OVER "THE BIOLA HOUR")

amid a crisis, you were threatened with losing it all? What would you do? While abroad a man had gained a sub­ stantial fortune. B e f o r e returning home, he transferred it to gold, then, for safety’s sake, he had a belt made to hold it which was to be securely buckled around him. The idea was perfect until one dark stormy night, while on the high seas, the ship itself was in real peril. The message was passed for the people to take to the life boats. But as the vessel bobbed like a cork, and in the merky darkness, the man with the gold about him missed the lifeboat and fell into the water. There was no time for the sea­ men to rescue him. Because of the weight he sank almost immediately and he was gone , forever. This story points up the fact that so often, we today, amid the storms of life are prone to cling to the things of this world. As a result we lose our effec­ tiveness as witnesses for Jesus Christ. What is the substance causing you to sink into the morass of sin today? “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” * Faith is laying hold, but patience is holding fast. ONE TRAGIC MISTAKE “Get an ailment of some sort, then take care of yourself, and you’ll live to be a hundred,” one country philoso­ pher has suggested. But that is not al­ ways true. Take the case of the perfect man who made only one mistake. He wore his rubbers when it rained, he brushed his teeth after every meal. He 19 * *

TRAGEDIES OF LIFE Daily newspapers are filled, with stories of personal tragedies; events which cause us to be grateful for God's goodness. In Minneapolis a young de­ livery truck driver was traveling along a busy boulevard, when a little 5 year old girl darted out from between two parked cars into the street. He was faced with an immediate decision. He made one that called for true courage and heroism. Suddenly swinging the truck to the left, he went over the curb down an incline and struck, head on, a, large tree. When taken from the wreckage, and while breathing his last, his only thought concerned the child. Told that she had escaped unharmed, he smiled and was gone. A t the cost of his own life he had saved another and it brought him joy. How this story pales into insignifi­ cance when we realize the Biblical ac­ count of our Saviour. When Christ saw the travail of His soul, the Scrip­ tures tell Us, He was satisfied. He, too, was faced w ith a choice when he went to Calvary. He could live and let man die, or He could die that man might live forevermore. The world has never been the same since that day because of His choice. Through His death any man may live. The Word of God prom­ ises us, “He that cometh to me / w ill in no wise cast out.” “He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and be­ lieveth on me shall never die.” * Patting yourself on the back is a poor way to get ahead. * * * LAY ASIDE THE WEIGHT What thoughts would cross your mind if, after amassing a fortune, * *

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