Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

Tongues (continued) in their own language, the wonderful works of God. Living in Philadelphia, I frequent­ ly make trips to New York. Natural­ ly, I have been to the United Na­ tions on a number of occasions. Each seat in the assembly room has an ear phone connected to the control center and various translation booths. We took some of our Norwegian rela­ tives there to see what transpired. Dial­ ing their earphones, they could hear by multiple translation, the language of the speaker, regardless of the lan­ guage in which it was originally giv­ en. On the Day of Pentecost, instead of using the modem equipment of elec­ tronics, the Holy Spirit performed the work and through the disciples was able to impart, in these many lan­ guages, the wonderful words of the Gospel. Many in the group didn’t be­ lieve their ears and couldn’t under­ stand" how such a miracle could take place. Some of them tried to explain it by saying, “These men are full of new wine” (verse 13). Peter’s answer, in o u r modem terminology was, “Brethren, these men are not drunken. This is not a result of new wine; this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Further­ more, you know that the drinking plac­ es aren’t open yet. It’s only 9 o’clock in the morning.” So, God’s Word is clear. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit did give the apostles the ability to speak in other tongues. The?e tongues, however, were not an aesthetic language, unknown tongues from heav­ en, but were national, geographical, which could be understood from peo­ ple of those areas. As a basic founda­ tion, we must thoroughly grasp the reason for the original gift, and the purpose of their application. EVERYONE HAS A WILL (Either the one you make before you die or one that the courts and laws prescribe if you have not wisely pre­ pared one.) Write for free will books STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT Biola, 13800 Biola Are., La Mirada, California



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Soprano soloist Joyce Landorf will be fea­ tured as special musician during Biola*s two fam ily Bible Conferences this August: li-17 at Mount Hermon, California, and 18-25 at the Firs Bible and Missionary Conference, Bellingham, Washington. NEW BROADCAST RELEASE

Mr. Eugene Poole (left), Biola Field Rep­ resentative, goes over coverage may of KCJH, covering San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria Counties, with manager Mr. Les Hacker. The Biola Hour is released each day at 9:00 A.M. and the station is located at 1280 on the dial. 6

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