Dayton 2024

Empowering Youth through Ohio Violence Prevention and Aiming High

I n the vibrant community of UMADAOP Dayton’s, a dedication to youth empowerment and violence prevention shines through the impactful programs offered to young individuals. Two standout initiatives, the Ohio Violence Prevention Program (OVPP) and Aiming High, are at the forefront of fostering positive development, resilience, and awareness among the youth population. The Ohio Violence Prevention Program (OVPP) stands on hope in reducing youth violence by equipping participants with the tools and knowledge to counteract environmental risk factors that often contribute to violent behaviors. From bullying to domestic violence, verbal altercations, and substance use, this program aims to heighten participants' awareness and enhance their conflict resolution skills without resorting to violence or drugs. The overarching goal is to diminish negative behaviors and create a culture of non-violence by emphasizing the impact of violence and substances, nurturing alliances across gender and cultural boundaries, and enhancing personal and developmental assets in areas like cultural competence, values clarification, and social justice.

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