Youth prevention programs offered by UMADAOP Franklin County encompass a range of comprehensive initiatives tailored to address substance abuse among young individuals. In-school programming targets critical life skills, decision- making abilities, and knowledge enhancement related to alcohol and drug use. By empowering adolescents to make informed choices and resist substance-related influences, these programs aim to reduce substance abuse rates, delay onset use, and cultivate a supportive environment that promotes healthy behaviors. After-school programs, such as the evidence-based Youth Awareness System (YAS), further reinforce substance prevention efforts by reaching out to a broader spectrum of students. By involving low-risk individuals, these programs create a culture where drug use and risky behaviors are not normalized or accepted within peer groups. Through targeted interventions and engagement, UMADAOP Franklin County aims to instill values of responsibility, resilience, and positive decision-making among youth, fostering a sense of community and shared commitment to well-being. During summer and winter breaks, UMADAOP Franklin County extends its reach through camps that cater to over 250 youth, emphasizing the retention and reinforcement of knowledge acquired during the school year. By providing continued support, educational opportunities, and skill-building activities, these camps serve as a platform for ongoing learning, growth, and personal development among participants. Family prevention programs form another integral component of UMADAOP Franklin County's initiatives, focusing on enhancing community-based strategies that promote resilience and reduce risk factors for behavioral, emotional, and social challenges in children aged 3-16. Through structured family activities, parenting skills sessions, communication training, and positive reinforcement practices, these programs aim to strengthen family dynamics, improve parental guidance, and foster a supportive environment that nurtures growth and well- being. UMADAOP Franklin County's commitment to substance prevention, youth empowerment, and family well-being underscores a broader dedication to building healthier, safer, and more resilient communities. By investing in prevention programs that educate, empower, and engage individuals across all age groups, UMADAOP Franklin County is paving the way for a future where substance abuse is minimized, well-being is prioritized, and communities thrive in unity and strength.
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