5. The ping command allows you check connectivity between the local host (your computer) and another host. If you are unable to connect to another host, the ping command can be used to incrementally test your connectivity. The IP address is known as your home address (local host). Begin your test by going to your command line interface (command prompt) and pinging your local host: ping You should get a series of “Reply from” messages. Next, ping the IP address you used in lab #3. Sometimes a failed ping is not the result of a lack of connectivity. Network administrators of some IP addresses/hosts do not want their site pinged so they block all ICMP packets. That’s the protocol used for pinging. • The whois.domaintools.com site provides you with information about a web site. For example, to find information about google.com open your web browser and type: whoisdomaintools.com Then in the Lookup window, type: google.com. Find information about a favorite site of yours. Record the following: administrator name, phone number, when the site was created, and the site’s name servers (the names begin with “ns”). • Network statistics can be displayed using the netstat command. In the command line window (see lab #2 for instructions on how to get to the command line), type: netstat-e. How many bytes were sent and how many were received? Execute the command again and record your results. You should see an increase in both received and sent bytes. To see a complete list of options/switches for the netstat command, type: netstat?
Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 112
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