Physical Security An organization can implement the best authentication scheme in the world, develop superior access control, and install firewalls and intrusion detection, but its security cannot be complete without implementation of physical security. Physical security is the protection of the actual hardware and networking components that store and transmit information resources. To implement physical security, an organization must identify all of the vulnerable resources and take measures to ensure that these resources cannot be physically tampered with or stolen. These measures include the following. • Locked doors . It may seem obvious, but all the security in the world is useless if an intruder can simply walk in and physically remove a computing device. High value information assets should be secured in a location with limited access. • Physical intrusion detection . High value information assets should be monitored through the use of security cameras and other means to detect unauthorized access to the physical locations where they exist. • Secured equipment . Devices should be locked down to prevent them from being stolen. One employee’s hard drive could contain all of your customer information, so it is essential that it be secured. • Environmental monitoring . An organization’s servers and other high value equipment should always be kept in a room that is monitored for temperature, humidity, and airflow. The risk of a server failure rises when these factors exceed acceptable ranges. • Employee training . One of the most common ways thieves steal corporate information is the theft of employee laptops while employees are traveling. Employees should be trained to secure their equipment whenever they are away from the office. Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 130
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