Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

special characters, an employee may resort to writing it down and putting it in a drawer since it will be impossible to memorize. Personal Information Security As a final topic for this chapter, consider what measures each of us, as individual users, can take to secure our computing technologies. There is no way to have 100% security, but there are several simple steps each individual can take to be more secure. Stop. Think. Connect. Poster (click to enlarge)



• Keep your software up to date . Whenever a software vendor determines that a security flaw has been found in their software, an update will be released so you can download the patch to fix the problem. You should turn on automatic updating on your computer to automate this process.

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• Install antivirus software and keep it up to date . There are many good antivirus software packages on the market today, including some that are free. • Be smart about your connections . You should be aware of your surroundings. When connecting to a Wi-Fi network in a public place, be aware that you could be at risk of being spied on by others sharing that network. It is advisable not to access your financial or personal data while attached to a Wi-Fi hotspot. You should also be aware that connecting USB flash drives to your device could also put you at risk. Do not attach an unfamiliar flash drive to your device unless you can scan it first with your security software.

Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 135

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