Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

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Assembly language is the second-generation language and uses English-like phrases rather than machine-code instructions, making it easier to program. An assembly language program must be run through an assembler, which converts it into machine code. Here is a sample program that adds 1234 and 4321 using assembly language.

MOV CX,1234 MOV DS:[0], CX MOV CX,4321 MOV AX, DS:[0] MOV BX, DS:[2] ADD AX, BX MOV DS:[4], AX

Third-generation languages are not specific to the type of hardware on which they run and are similar to spoken languages. Most third-generation languages must be compiled. The developer writes the program in a form known generically as source code , then the compiler converts the source code into machine code, producing an executable file. Well known third-generation languages include BASIC, C, Python, and Java. Here is an example using BASIC: A=1234 B=4321 C=A+B END Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 212

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