Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

Fourth-generation languages are a class of programming tools that enable fast application development using intuitive interfaces and environments. Many times, a fourth-generation language has a very specific purpose, such as database interaction or report-writing. These tools can be used by those with very little formal training in programming and allow for the quick development of applications and/or functionality. Examples of fourth-generation languages include: Clipper, FOCUS, SQL, and SPSS. Why would anyone want to program in a lower level language when they require so much more work? The answer is similar to why some prefer to drive manual transmission vehicles instead of automatic transmission, namely, control and efficiency. Lower level languages, such as assembly language, are much more efficient and execute much more quickly. The developer has finer control over the hardware as well. Sometimes a combination of higher and lower level languages is mixed together to get the best of both worlds. The programmer can create the overall structure and interface using a higher-level language but use lower level languages for the parts of the program that are used many times, require more precision, or need greater speed.

ow- level languages

High-leve l languages

Mach ine-independent

Machine-depende nt

Machine Language

Th ird-generat ion languages (C, Basic , C++, Java)

Fourth-generation languages (SOL, ABAP, ColdFus ion)

Assemb ly Language

The programming language spectrum (click to enlarge).

Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 213

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