Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

(HTML). Today most websites are built with a variety of tools, but the final product that is transmitted to a browser is still HTML. At its simplest HTML is a text language that allows you to define the different components of a web page. These definitions are handled through the use of HTML tags with text between the tags or brackets. For example, an HTML tag can tell the browser to show a word in italics, to link to another web page, or to insert an image. The HTML code below selects two different types of headings (h1 and h2) with text below each heading. Some of the text has been italicized. The output as it would appear in a browser is shown after the HTML code.

<h1>This is a first-level heading</h1>

Here is some text. <em>Here is some emphasized text. </em> <h2>Here is a second-level heading</h2) Here is some more text.

HTML code

is a first-level heading

Hereis sometext. Here Lrsome emplwsized text.

Here is a second-level heading

Hereis somemoretext.

While HTML is used to define the components of a web page, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to define the styles of the components on a page. The use of CSS allows the style of a website to be set and stay consistent throughout. For example, a designer who wanted all first-level headings (h1) to be blue and centered Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 218

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