Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

software and therefore easier to use. Likewise, they need to be intuitive and not require any training. 4. Immediate access to data extends the value proposition. In addition to the app providing a simpler interface on the front end, cloud-based data services provide access to data in near real-time, from virtually anywhere (e.g., banking, travel, driving directions, and investing). Having access to the cloud is needed to keep mobile device size and power use down. 5. App stores have simplified acquisition. Developing, acquiring, and managing apps has been revolutionized by app stores such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play. Standardized development processes and app requirements allow developers outside Apple and Google to create new apps with a built-in distribution channel. Average low app prices (including many of which that are free) has fueled demand.

In sum, the differences between building a mobile app and other types of software development look like this: Mobile app differences





Technologie s

Low-power CPU

Unlock notion of



Simpler to build

context :



Easy to buy


Data Access

• Tim e

• Location • Velocity


• Direct ion • Altitude • Temperature

Wi -Fi

Building a mobile app for both iOS and Android operating systems is known as cross platform development. There are a number of third-party toolkits available for creating your app. Many will convert existing code such as HTML5, JavaScript, Ruby, C++, etc. However, if your app requires sophisticated programming, a cross platform developer kit may not meet your needs. Responsive Web Design (RWD) focuses on making web pages Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 221

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